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Author[UPDATE] Trial version of HTML5 v5
Work on development of HTML5 continues. We’re now into the fifth test version of battles, which is a bit limited functionality and there are minor flaws compared to the Flash-version.
But there is already the opportunity to fully play the battles.
Battles in HTML5 are offered, if the Flash-player isn't found in the browser. Alternatively, you can enter “&html5=1” at the end of the URL, for example: https://www.lordswm.com/war.php?warid=871526376&html5=1 (note that it doesn’t work for “warlog.php”). Enable HTML5 display by default in character settings.

In comparison with the previous version, there are the following improvements:
Added button "Settings"
Added "classic" interface for PC (disabled in settings)
Added scroll the ATB bar
Added sounds
Added chat
Added field for the survival tournament
A number of bugs were fixed

Pay attention, this mode of battle is in development stage, still with some problems, unfinished work, and bugs. The final version is planned to be released not earlier than the end of this Summer.
Please, report any bugs and problems you encounter (use this topic), except the ones listed below.

We recommend Chrome browser.

Problems to be addressed:
It’s not possible to transfer control in Clan battles
Incorrect display of Lord’s animations in case of UCI
Shadows of creatures aren't optimized (shadow’s display is disabled for mobile devices to increase performance)
Blood isn't displayed
We are aware that some other features are either absent or not working properly.

We will publish updated versions of HTML5-battles, as we progress.
When playing on mobile, using the info button to get info of any caster troop doesn't display its mana for the first time and then displays if viewed again. This keeps happening alternatively on such troops.
Added talents.
[Post deleted by moderator Beliar // Added new settings in the battle.]
This topic is long since last update and considered obsolete for further discussions.

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2008-2025, online games LordsWM