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Author[News] Hunting Season
It is rumored that inveterate hunters over the years honed not only the skills of the hunting craft, but also the art of telling more and more incredible tales. And one of the most famous masters of this craft in the lands of the empire was sharing experience with several beginning St. John's worts.

"I'm going this way along the edge of the fury squad. Eye-diamond - such a trace on the snow is difficult to not recognize. Suddenly I hear a cry from behind the trees. Running there - and there they are, darling! But as soon as they saw my formidable face, they immediately gave me away. I instantly jumped into the saddle and followed, booty pound. But the fury is not a simple thing. This and a dirty hunter will outwit, do not be that me. Maximilian Zorkus does not hold! With a quarter of an hour of red-haired red-haired chasers, when suddenly I hear a whistle over my head. So immediately you do not understand what it is, but you can not deceive your nose - the smell of the poison of the assassins smells. Bastards, settled in the bushes! "Nothing - and not coped with this" - it was worthwhile to think how a group of dark horsemen broke through on their lizards. From the cold, is it, so the booty has grown wiser? Soon the troops will patrol the forests. But the hunt is still successful - three new scar and two carts full of trophies! If I were not Fearless Zorkus, nicknamed Maximilian the Thunder of the Woods! "

Of course, any bike is only half true. And if it sounds from the mouth of a hunter, then often even less. But such a story was by no means the first one in the last few days - and that which aroused the tenderness or admiration of ordinary listeners, seriously worried the representatives of the guild of hunters. A possible threat needed to be urgently stopped - and the guild already had a ready decision.

Heroes, the Hunters Guild announces the opening of the next hunting season and invites all the hunters of the Empire to participate in the upcoming event. However, before the start, the guild representatives recommend everyone to familiarize themselves with the general set of rules and pay special attention to the new conditions of the competition:

1) All heroes from the 5th combat level in the artifacts from the store are allowed to participate, modifiers do not work;
2) Fights are held in the format 1 hero against neutral creatures;
3) Attempts are limited to 15 fights per day. If the hunter has an active license from the Hunters Guild or the Blessing of Abu Bekr is applied, then three more attempts are given per day;
4) Unused attempts accumulate;
5) The hunter is provided with up to 10 variants of goals to choose from, by defeating them, he can set a record among his level, faction and class (you can set new records by changing the faction or class);
6) The hunter can abandon the proposed goals, the new ones will appear instantly;
7) In addition to calling a record, the hunter will be offered special tasks. The goal is to defeat the assigned creatures in the hunting season;
8) In total, three tasks are proposed per hour, tasks are not piled up. The current job can be skipped;
9) For the victory you can get points from the Guild of Hunters, artifacts of creatures, hunter artifacts and gold;
10) Increased magic damage from the Mage faction does not work;
11) The hunting season will last only 4 days, until May 28 inclusive;
12) Heroes who kept the records at the end of the hunting season will be generously rewarded by the Hunters Guild;
13) Heroes who took part in 40 or more battles will be awarded the blessing of Abu-Bekr for 15 days:

Personal success of each Hero will be further encouraged by parts of a special artifact:

[Imperial Helmet]

for 5 wins: +1 part;
for 10 wins: +3 parts;
for 20 wins: +5 parts;
for 30 wins: +6 parts;
for 42 wins: +7 parts;
for 55 wins: +8 parts;

In the presence of 100 parts will be able to collect from them a full-fledged artifact. This artifact can not be transf
Good luck all
If the hunter has an active license from the Hunters Guild or the Blessing of Abu Bekr is applied, then three more attempts are given per day;

So it can even be the normal license that costs 7k ?
Can only do 18 hunts per day.

Got mine in super quick so nice and easy. I do not expect it to be so straight forward tomorrow.....
So it can even be the normal license that costs 7k ?

Same Question
Thanks for the translation kulala.
I guess those who are really confident in their hunting ability should wait till last day :P
for Meshy:
I haven't really ever paid much attention to this event but I might try it out a bit because it's very short. So is it worth the wait? How good is the "generous reward" by setting a record?
for randomr1:
3 HG points for each record, and 100*CL gold for each record as well.
one of my favorite event. if minor tournament is the proof of a good pvp player, then this hunt season is the proof of a good pve player.
time to do some evil to raise the difficulty of wg quests!
3 HG points for each record, and 100*CL gold for each record as well.
Meh doesn't sound too impressive to me. How much are the extra dura BB arts worth? I suppose spear, bow and arrows would be worth quite a bit?
The xp/fsp ratio is nuts. It's worth playing at the least for that.
If you grind easy combats early, you can make a small profit too.
And the drops from each battle along with the challenges, return all the gold back for sure.
if minor tournament is the proof of a good pvp player, then this hunt season is the proof of a good pve player.

I don't know for other factions but at least for elves I disagree. Obviously you need to be quite good to have a chance at setting records but after that it's basically up to luck and how persistent you are. Heck, you can even watch the battle of the last person who set the record and try to copy them.
Far better estimate of one's PvE skill is provided by ST.
Far better estimate of one's PvE skill is provided by ST.
Similar thinking.
I haven't understood this event.
Can someone explain it in short?
for randomr1:
what? you can watch other's record battles immediately? I remember you can not do it before..
what the hell is the meaning of this event then...
Do hunts. Only do the hunts that relate to your current quest for the gold reward. Usually only one of the 10 will match, (it has a checklist next to the battle).
When you have done one refresh your list (top of column on the left hand side) and you will get a new hunt that matches your quest creatures not yet ticked off.

The reward directly in terms of FSP, HG points, hunter arts and gold from quests is good (particularly to begin with).

However for 40 battles done (whether won or not) you get 15 days of Abu- Bakr (worth 25k).

As such financially it is almost worth doing it for that alone!
Abu Bakr/Hunting licence very useful as across the 4 days that grants 12 more fights to get wins with.

In total there are only 30 pieces of the Imperial helmet to collect. (unless they reward records with these as well).

Being only over 4 days will restrict the amount of people that can get involved due to Real Life, and therefore potentially not get the helmet very easily at all (if only 3 events where you can get them like previously).

I think some may get grumpy if they miss out due to absence on those critical 4 days.
This topic is long since last update and considered obsolete for further discussions.

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