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AuthorDiscord server for the community
First of all, getting this matter aside, I’m posting it in the general game forum because I believe it is related to the game. (lol)

That aside, a discord server.
It’s the cool, new, hip kid in town (lol ofc that’s an exaggeration but not entirely incorrect.)
Discord, becoming much more popular recently, since starting around 2017… et cetera et cetera.

Basically, it’s a resource/ service that people and especially the gaming community uses quite extensively. And our community, being fairly big, doesn’t seem to have such a server.

I don’t think its usability needs to be explained, you can get started with a single click compared to skype, which is ancient, just like this community which is also ancient. (says the guy while being a part of said community.)

So, I’ve created a community server with that in mind.

This I believe is essential to attract newer players (like me). And not let this community age out like the Harley Davidson riders.

(I’ll be posting links to multiple screenshots in order to explain stuff.)

As you join, you will either go to the #rules and announcements or the #general channel.

You should read the rules, however, they’re more like suggestions for the most part. Except that you’re not allowed to swear excessively (within reasonable limits would be fine) or personally attack someone with violence. Reason and logic however is accepted.

Also, maybe don’t spam? I mean you can try and force me to mute you or something like that which would make you unable to post any messages. I don’t believe that would be desired, right?

It is recommended to change your nickname to your in-game name, to avoid confusion. (it can be reached by multiple means, one being to click on the dropdown near the server name http://prntscr.com/jib82e ) It isn’t necessary to do this, however.

Each person will be given the ‘player’ role on joining. To get the verified player role/tag, tell me your in-game nick or link me to your account.

I’ll also add you after confirming for myself, the clan you belong to. Which is otherwise hidden from view- http://prntscr.com/jib74u (You need the role for the clan to see the private clan chat.)

I’ve done this on the recommendation of grif.

There is, as you would have noticed, public a&d and efl chats. Those were supposed to be the main chats for either clans. It is possible for everyone to see / read those chats but only the members can post in them.

I know there exists some internal clan politics or whatever but I’m too young for this.

And in essence aren’t we supposed to be competitive allies rather than in some sort of enmity? Being pretty much the only 2 mostly English-speaking clans.

Ofc, I will, on request add chats for other clans too, message me in a DM/ private mail or @ mention me.

Which brings us to the other note, roles-

These are currently all the roles worth mentioning (there’s bots too which have their own ‘roles’ but no need to go into them for now)

Verified player as I’ve mentioned before, can be obtained by me, personally verifying your player character.

The other roles, like the level categories can be self-assigned. Instructions are there in the #roles channel.

The smith and enchanter tags are fairly self-explanatory. Give those to yourself if you wish to make your services as a smith or enchanter known so that other players can know whom to approach regarding that.

The level categories, I’ve made them so that teaming up/ cooperating is easier. For example, the previous portal event. People can directly see from a glance what level bracket the other person is in, therefore making teaming up a little easier.

And the role which you would have noticed, namely ‘Help’ also self-explanatory, is a mod-like position. Currently only I am the one who has this role. This role can be @ mentioned by anyone. Basically, you can @mention this role or @mention me to get any assistance regarding discord and stuff for exampl
for example to get your role verified.

Speaking of verified, what also you probably noticed, the clan mod roles. These roles/ clan mods can delete and pin messages in their own clan chats.

Also, these mods are the only ones who can use @everyone and @here pings and that too in their own clan chats, so that other people aren’t unnecessarily disturbed.

As an additional level of security for the clan mod role, you will be required to personally PM me through your in-game character, stating the information of your discord account. So that it’s certain that there is no impersonation.

I could also create a separate clan-mod only chat. Tell me if that is wanted.

The topic for each channel is written in the channel description. It is recommended to keep the off-game comments in the off-topic chat. I’ll create new categories like ‘sports’ or ‘real life stuff’ if needed.

I have in fact limited the scope for this discord server. There’s a lot of channel topics that could be made, however, I don’t want it to seem like a replacement for the forums. The forums are an essential game feature and they are not going away.

Also, a note, do register your discord account after joining the server if you haven’t already. So that unnecessary second accounts and the like can be avoided.

Oh and another side note, Yes, I do realize that being the creator thus administrator of the discord server, certain restrictions like the clan-member one will not apply to me. But you can take my word for it, you can also see this on my in game profile page. But I’m too prideful to go against rules I myself set up. Just don’t @mention me or @help inside the clan chat, cause that would ping me and thus make me responsible to respond to the call for help.


So, about discord. I was told that people aren’t exactly familiar with its features, therefore allow me to give a quick rundown.
It is a chat platform, tho it also has voice communication. It can be easily accessed through the browser. Theres also very good mobile apps to access it, and downloadable apps to PC too ofc. It doesn’t have high CPU usage (which I noticed on skype). There’s smart push-notifications and it will record all the @mentions to you, which you can easily jump to in the conversation, thus you won’t miss anything important. Messages can also be pinned, ofc. There’s multiple channels so different topics can be discussed in different places. That makes it easy to keep discord very organized. Something that I like, considering my perfectionist nature.

Well, apologies for taking this long, but I had to explain certain stuff.

Here’s the invite- it’ll take you directly to the rules and announcements channel https://discord.gg/bjRxYsM

TLDR: refer to the line above for the discord link.

I would have liked to organize this post into points better, but its 3 am right now and I’m a little unable to do that.

Any questions/ suggestions and stuff, reply them here. I’ll come online after about 7 hours from now.
A small addition, *a certain someone* decided to get ahead of himself and link the discord earlier than i planned.
I'm working on adding new bots which would make interactions and stuff more fun, and adding new 'nostalgia emoji', emoji taken from the 2005-esque chat that lordswm has.
Another addition,
I'm completely prepared for the community to not adopt this server. I know theres certain difficulties (actually i have no idea if there are any difficulties) involved.
I totally wouldn't go to a corner and cry alone if this fails.
Honestly, the reason I like this is because I suggested Jedi to let me make one for our clan, since now we are using skype like its dinosaur age.. Making one for the whole comunity is a genious idea, soon forums will get scrapped xD
I'm completely prepared for the community to not adopt this server.

Buck up man :)The community will adopt it for sure :D The lordswm community server we started (https://discord.gg/TRT9mx) has 50+ members from 5 - 6 clans now and is fairly active. And you have to remember that it conists of me postiing my bs xD

So, I have no doubts that this new server will be successful as well considering the amount of effort you have put into thinking about this. I would urge everyone to join both servers and I hope we can migrate from one to the other in the future when the membership of one becomes a subset of the other.

However, the lordswm social chat on Skype is still more popular :( It has 100+ members from around 15 clans and at least 20-30K messages per day. I look forward to the day when the messages on the community server (https://discord.gg/TRT9mx) exceed the messages on Skype :(
On merlin 's suggestion, i have now created a 'tavern / two towers' channel.
It will be helpful to find opponents and such.

Though a part of me is concerned we'd be spreading ourselves too thin too fast by making this many channels.

Also, i forgot to mention this in the original post, but i myself am pretty much active all the time on discord. Well, all throughout the day that is.
If you ping me i'll get back to you, (depending on the time) anywhere from a few seconds to within 1-2 hours. I sleep at around (1 to 8 am server time)

Come, join me in the general chat and we'd discuss the dungeon event and strategies *cough* self promotion *cough* i'm almost always active.
I like the idea. But i find your fake coughing truly annoying.
But i find your fake coughing truly annoying.

I've only done that once in this whole forum thread and that too just in the #7 post.
The whole thread where i said about 1.5k words.

Let me cough once at least, lol.
Anyways i don't really do that in my normal conversation. Its more like a gag/joke/ comedic timing.
Well, not all jokes are for everyone.
And... *sigh*, explaining it makes it even less fun. I'll probably stop using it now anyways.
Oh well.

Why not join it if you like the idea?
I will, give me some time.

And yes, i know that you used it only once, but even that was enough to trigger me.
And yes, i know that you used it only once, but even that was enough to trigger me.

Probably because of the fact he uses it a fair amount generally. I know exactly what you mean.

It's an interesting idea.. I'm in the community chat that Shub set up, and really don't think there will be much of a difference between the two. But never let it be said I refused to try it.
I really like this idea, and it does have a lot of potential.

General room for all players allows people to talk to all .com players without having to be from the same MC.

Private clan rooms mean that sensitive discussions can take place privately with clan members only.

Discord is easy to access either through browser or on the mobile app.

Messages can be pinned to a room so that important information is not lost by not wanting to sift through many messages.

This doesnt have to be about clans at all, more about a community hub
Ahh... Must remember not to get impatient...
Rome wasn't built in a day.
I'll keep talking to myself or something while i wait, maybe the adoption will be faster once the event is over.
Hmm, maybe i should work on a bot that monitors the forums for posts? And then post about that forum thread inside discord.
... That won't be such a bad idea... Hmm... I'll think about how to make it work.
This topic is long since last update and considered obsolete for further discussions.

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