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AuthorArmament drop - faction allocation
I have 2 main factions. In both i have 30% lower armament than I have across 3 of the other factions. I dont understand whats the use of providing one with multiple armaments in factions they are not using. Armaments have a finite life so it makes sense to allocate them to factions which are active for a user.
It seems like a ridiculous waste. The drop algorithm should be tweaked so that it drops higher % of armaments for active factions.
Play more survilurgs, events to get desired armaments.

If it happens as you say, then everyone will have 'All' armaments of their main faction, then whats even point in introducing such system? Extra parameters for everyone, or nothing extra means same.
No, it is not easy to get the right armas because it was never supposed to be. It requires a huge time and effort to have the best armas for your best faction and then it even requires an effort for keep those armas affordable for you when you really need them. It is not so easy to activate them for 2k gold or even more.
Armas are something rare.
Just do enough battles and you will get enough, watchers guild and survilurgs are good for this. I have 1100 armaments now (mostly from watchers) but still need the +2 version for many creatures. Some of these could easily be quite expensive for me by now except I only equip them for tournaments, even so one is over 1k now.

The price and random allocation promotes switching factions or alt factions and fighting in those battles where you own them, making them fit with your castle buildings etc would only remove those aspects which were inherent in their purpose.
This topic is long since last update and considered obsolete for further discussions.

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