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AuthorMeteorite rain with no Expert Chaos magic
So I was up against this magic DE cl 14 and I was wondering why isn't he chain lightning my shooters and instead ligntnining them one by one. I noticed then that he has no expert chaos, only advanced and got really happy. Then he dropped a meteorite rain on me... Meteorite rain is a lvl 5 chaos spell no?
And no, he had no wisdom.
Another notable thing in this combat... My unicorn had 3.6 iniative. Their turns basicly did not exist...
Its a lvl 4 spell ;)
Lvl 5 spell doesn't exist yet.
Its a lvl 4 spell ;)

Lol why didn't he just chain lightning my sharpshooters then...
he was saving his mana, same reason why he didn't take advantage of elemental call.

Those spells (EC enhanced and chain) are quite expensive. He had no mana recovery, and he was the higher in his team. So if they had any chance to win, he would definitely be the last one standing.

In that situation, casters often try to optimize their mana reserve to make it last as long as possible. as you can see, he was set up to have his hero turn come as soon as possible, so that he could hit several time with the better mana/damage ratio.

I guess the final meteorite rain was a sort of "give up" strategy, when he saw that he would not reach a 1vs1 endgame.
also the way your shooters were placed, his chain would kill (or almost) one stack of sharp, maybe druids, and do little damage to the third stack.
This topic is long since last update and considered obsolete for further discussions.

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