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The game started in 08
Can someone explain to me how we already have the 11th anniversary in 2018?
What am i missing?
The russian server started on March 1, 2007 while the .com server started on May 1, 2008. After the servers merged, the game has only celebrated March 1 as the anniversary, making the game 11 years old.
that means that in few hours will be alredy 11 years when game laucnhed :)
that means that in few hours will be already 11 years when game launched :)

Exactly. If I'm not mistaken, the merge was in 2014.
The merge was at 23 January of 2013
To MrBattleControl: Stand corrected.
Thank you.
AAAh that would explain it!
i started in august 2008 so i wonderd wth was going on with the year counter ;)

thx alot guys
closed by Mathijs (2018-02-28 20:48:33)
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2008-2025, online games LordsWM