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AuthorMini-event available inside MC
I have a suggestion to made for an inside clan event type, which can be activated by a specific BG points (and gold) from Battle Glory clan tab by warlords and last for a week or less.
The clan members will make different type of combats, but organized in 2 categories:
* fight enemies for protecting and objective or unit (vanguard type or even more futuristic like 2 clan players protecting an unit inside a castle vs AI, i know, is not implemented :p), in which players could achive (beside nice fsp ratio) creature armaments, gold, low dura shop art replicas
* fight enemies for attacking AI (invaders type, survilurg battles, 2vs2 or even 3 enemy waves), and in these combats players get only nice fsp ratio :p, but clan get something: BG, gold, limited productivity 1% (or more) to a specific facility :)
The fights will be PvE type, in which minimum 2 clan members fight different enemy setup (1 or 2 AI heroes, neutral group). Regarding armament type, it can be used either shop artifact only or with enchantments (for using clan depository more).
There should be a list of options of the type of combats available and by choosing one type it will block others, so that only one can be used at a certain moment.

The idea is to involve more clan members to a specific type of combats, gather them and make even strong conection between players, not too mentions happy admins because players use more gold (and then donate) and clan uses his BGs, everyone wins :)

Sounds fun :D
:D Nice idea...

+1 nice idea for enhance connection of clan members

Nice idea :)
Anything which can increase activity!

Intra-clan activities are much needed.
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