Author | charmer elf level 10 |
what is the max recruit count of unicorns for charmer elf level 10
i can recruit only 9, whereas a normal elf can recruit upto 11,this is unfair can somebody please explain? |
Then why don't you just play the classic elf. |
Charmer elves tend to have lower amounts of troops due to their unique racial ability which increases their SP. They have less troops because of the amount of damage they are able to inflict with just magic. |
1# No, it's not unfair at all. Imo the fact of CEs having less HP than the classic version, makes them """Balanced""" actually.
They have way way more DPS and "Tools" than normal Elves Imo.
The fact that both share Unicorns, doesn't mean they have to have the same numbers.
IIRC a normal Necro at CL 14 has like 7000 Hit Points in his army, but an UN has like 4000-5000 or so (Not exact numbers, but more or less).
I guess it's obvious why. |
Play necro knight or barb u ll have even more units :D |
yeah the power of charmer elf comes from the hero and his magic. however it takes time to fully unleash the magic. And the main problem of normal and charmer elf is that they tend to be glass cannon until at least level 12. Which makes them one of the best in pve since you only fight computer however if you don't have a good build for your character then it get really hard in pvp.
That's also why elf don't have much in quantity, their unit tends to be really good. one of the best shooter early on, mages that could give mana to the hero, treants which are one the most defensive playable unit in the game i think and so on... |
I wonder why nobody has tried "Defensive CE" yet, with full Def talents. |
for Ipsen:
Because that would limit the max spell power that they can accumulate in battle (max spell power is determined by hero's attack). That's a huge disadvantage. Also, defensive CE would lose to mages. |