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AuthorVictory team Manticore!
And again, over the lands of Empire have risen gonfalons of two legendary armies, which times ago embodied strength and bravery. They were clans of Manticore and Griffin, whose glory now lives not only in songs and ballads, but on the battlefield while the Great contest. Best lords who were known on these land met in battle for the right to defend one of the ideals, which from time immemorial laid at the heart of all dogmas about heroism. None of two rivals wanted to yield in battle, but still there must be one winner. And this time, scales were on Manticore's side, whose sting reached target many times, making weakened contestant fall on the ground, expressing reverence to embodied strength. Was really everything like this times ago? Nobody will remember now for sure. But success is never blamed - he only receives the honors, chanting he's glory.

Brave Heroes!
The great contest finished with Manticore squad victory 2 vs 1 (15,129 vs 13,980)! Voivode Grammit and the leader of dwarves Tolgar thank everyone for participating!

All Heroes who have won at least one victory -can receive a reward for participating in gold! The award depends on the number of victories and the combat level of the Hero. Gold is issued on the page of great contest.

All Heroes who have won at least 3 victories, receive temporary positive effect for July 2017:

Manticore liege heroes +15% faction skill points;
Griffin liege heroes +10% faction skill points;

And also gonfalon icon in character achievements.


All Heroes, who have won 30 victories, will be awarded special order of their squad.


In honor of Manticore liege victory, their gonfalon will be placed above Empire gates whole July 2017. And in honor of great contest, Empire announces 3 days of celebrating:
- From 14 to 16 Jult inclusive, button "Automatic battle" will be available in all battles except commanders' guild (appears after troops settlement in right bottom corner)!

Honors to the winners and more victories!
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