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AuthorMost important before any other idea's
We get this messege on june 24..... with 2 official days left instead of 6

- Hero can fight up to 12 battles daily, any unused attempts carry over to the next day(s);
- Search in the caves will last only 6 days, up to June 26 inclusive (+2 days for the end of fighting, until June 28 inclusive);

Maybe the announcement team should get theyre shit together and post stuff on time so we can actually compete with the russians!
This is getting on my nerves more and mroe and at the moment we are literally missing 2/3th of the event!

ps. i read the forums and know there was an anouncemt here but it was broken english and you dont get notified nor are all the details clear!
Player banned by moderator Meshy until 2017-06-24 13:01:40 // LR 2 ideas and suggestions // 2. Use a title that briefly describes your idea/suggestion.
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