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AuthorMorale down even with Hall of unity ? ( portal of time )
last fight I've got a lot of morale down even with hall of unity
I didn't use any gears that lower my morale
so why do I get morale down ?!
I didn't flee any battle
I didn't use ring of doubt
so why ??
isn't it one of the necro talent : face of death which reduce luck and morale by 1 for your stack ?

i remember seeing the debuff but don't remember the exact thing. i don't know how this talent activate too.
but I wasn't fighting nerco
I was fighting barbarians and knights from portal of time
Quite surte the barbarian can also lower moral, can u link battle?
you need to get combat replay
If you use raise dead spell on Living creatures you get -2 morale.
[Post deleted by moderator Corey // Foul language.]
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