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AuthorQuicker faction switching
All the factions in the drop down menu or perhaps a unique link for each faction that can be set as shortcut in personal settings.

Would be even cooler if we could switch to a faction directly from our main page. Next to each faction that we have on the main character page, my idea is to have a small icon that would allow easy switching. Maybe hovering over the said icon for each faction could give us an option to choose class directly without having to bother with the tedious system we have currently.

I think why it needs to be done is obvious. Right now in order to play fury barb from knight, there is a minimum of 3 to 4 clicks required in between.
Maybe also adding in an option to reorganize your parameters to one that better suits the faction you're switching to as well. Basically, using a potion of oblivion and reassigning points as predetermined. Just a suggestion, but +1 for the overall idea
Something like this for example -


What do you guys think? I should have user smaller icons then it would seem not so messy :p
There's an allowed script who does this already, It won't be hard to make it a permanent game feature.

There's an allowed script who does this already, It won't be hard to make it a permanent game feature.

really? Which one???
Look for the link of his scripts at his personal info, you'll find it there. :)
I'm currently asking the mods if it's allowable for me to edit the code so it points to .com instead of .ru and upload that for the ease of people.
Not allowed, but there is a script on the profile of what Calamity posted. So unlikely to be implemented by admins.
thank you for the update Meshy. I shall get the script too :)
closed by virtual_vitrea (2017-05-30 02:39:36)
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