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AuthorSprites Wasp Swarm
Hi all :)
How does their wasp swarm spell work, what number of sprites need to be in the stack to cast it effectively? :)
i dont think it ever knocks back

correct me if i am wrong
[Post deleted by moderator MrBattleControl // Please only post if you have something usefull to add.]
† Wasp Swarm: Nature magic school. Only affects living creatures. Deals 1+2*N^(0.7) nature damage to target enemy living stack. Costs 5 mana.
it ever knocks back in case of sprite
Wouldn't recommend using it unless there is nothing in range at the first turn, does not do much damage at all, at your level at least I do not see it being worthwhile
Im a little confused, does it knock back?
With spritesl no knockback. With hero knock back works.

Deal 1+2*N0.7 nature damage to target enemy living stack.

Its not very effective and it is dependent on stack size. You would need ~265 sprites to deal 100 dmg. But you can cast twice so maybe it can be useful to kill some pesky units :p
Yeah I rarely use sprites' spells. In pvp maybe you can use to kill pesky units or maybe if you have 1 or 2 sprites you can use dispersion if it helps.
closed by Mzy (2017-03-21 05:14:35)
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