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AuthorProspective progress - Any suggestions
Dear all,

I kindly ask you help how to progress with my character.

Here is what I'm doing now:
1st: Enrolling to the LG.
2nd: Try to gain 2 or 3 hunt achievements for my faction and level.
3rd: will buy entrance to the TG with diamonds in level 7.

My Issues thus far:
1st: Any tips for wizard in advanced level campaigns?
2nd: How do I prepare to CG?
3rd: Any general tips and wizards related tips?

If I'm not mistaken, 1st march is the 10th anniversary of the game. Do you think that there will be something new beyond each year festivities?

Many thanks,
If I'm not mistaken, 1st march is the 10th anniversary of the game. Do you think that there will be something new beyond each year festivities?
No one knows this except the admins.

Your character building looks fine to me.
3rd: Any general tips and wizards related tips?

I am not sure how good wizard is for TG, I suppose it will be effective if you use full arts, if you plan on min AP, might be worth building another castle like elf / dark elf.

2nd: How do I prepare to CG?

You wouldn't want to do this with mage build, or shooters (so maybe another faction might work best?) The tactic with CG is to not draw the enemy in close, use a stack of 1 to take retal then hit.


2nd: Try to gain 2 or 3 hunt achievements for my faction and level.

Chasing hunter achievements aren't the best for xp / fsp ratio, but the game is about having fun. :D
Looks good. If I was you I would get fsl2 in all castles, at low lvls it's easy
I see you dont like / play PoT event. Big mistake. you can skip all events but not PoT ;)
1st: Any tips for wizard in advanced level campaigns?
Note that ALL kinds of artifacts works in campaigns, so as to ensure easy win in campaigns I would recommend using these arts for extra sp and knowledge -

Rings you can buy from market, its cheap.. order you could take on rent, usually ~500 gold per battle, renting would suit since it is bit costly.
For rest slots normal shop arts will do good.

2nd: How do I prepare to CG?
DO NOT make resistance for now!!
Trust me on this, I have over 95% winning rate on CG's 1vs1 duel.
As a wizard, you must know your own fsl will benefit you more instead of faction resistances.
Every extra defense gained after new fsl through mini-arts is crucial, also make sure to keep your LG , WG and MG good too. If HG is less its alright.

The strategy which I followed from very beginning is to start making resistance after gaining decent FSL from wiz. i.e, FSL 10.
But yes as stated by Lord selfist, PoT is exception, use it to make faction resistance for now.

3rd: Any general tips and wizards related tips?
Well just keep doing hunts,MGs for now.. you are doing really great with your character.
But yes certain things like MG4/MG6 or WG2/WG3 ( extra parameters basically ) is very important for wizs, so just make sure to start doing as much MGs as you can.. and anyways MGs are very easy for wizzs.
Be clear on your priority in factions. E.g. You Surely want to play Wizard and you surely DON'T want to play (example) Knight.

Use events like POT to develop Knight in that case.

1st: Any tips for wizard in advanced level campaigns?
Wizard does not benefit with Extra Damage in majority of Game Events. So in the long run Wizard is not the best choice for Game Events.

2nd: How do I prepare to CG?
Stop doing hunts right now. Build Anti-Faction Resistance right now. Your priority should be, TG>WG>LG>MG>HG
This will make you best equipped for CG on LATER levels.
Once you go past Level 14, it is costly to switch factions.
Build one Primary Faction, one Secondary Faction (I suggest Elf / Dark Elf for you) and rest equal.

3rd: Any general tips and wizards related tips?
Once you get DoF for Alt Wizard, the game changes. That's when you should start with CG.

Above all, have fun. There is no point in making this game a military exercise!

Dont want to create a new topic. And sorry for the jump @heroman

Can i know the same for my profile? Except CG.
Not on any thoughts to go for CG or TG

Just wanna know _ hows my character
If you are willing to donate, get a TGI now. Caravans are easy then.
DO NOT make resistance for now!!

Hmm, I want to disagree. Building up resistances is very easy and cheap at lower levels. You have easy hunts and MGs now and later you would need to buy more castle buildings.

So for perspektive: Build it now. At least to level 4 or 5 to every faction.

Having resistances often pays more of than having highest main faction possible. I have seen very good CG players who had equal levels in every faction and used a Potion of skill for the faction they were playing with.
For #8:

Your character is average. But it's an early state of game.

If I were you:

- Do easy MGs
- Skip hunts with many XP
- Do WG! (Very good ratio, armaments, good guild bonuses)
- About events: Most events give good ratio and prizes, but no guild points.
WG are interesting to do but rewards are kinda not useful ( at low levels i guess ) I got defense arnament for Black dragon and goblin archers -_-
You can see the rewards of each guild
In additions the armaments you get are random
Hello all,
First and foremost, thank you very much for each and every one of you for the insightful and thoughtful comments.

@Botnum: Thank you.

@Meshy: Thank you. As future plan, I think I値l try E/DE as my secondary faction. Thank you for referring me to A&D forum. I like the game and enjoy it very much. But as some people, I do have a competitive part. After gaining the permanent achievement at level 1, I知 more linen about collecting many hunting records. Meaning, if someone will beat me, its fine by me. (e.g. It is like winning the gold medal in the Olympics, losing the national championship is less important). But still, It would be nice to accumulate some more. However, this is not my main goal. The main goal is to have fun and enjoy the game as I致e stated earlier.

@ IComeInPeace: Thank you. Important tips on my to do list.

@ Lord selfist: Thank you. I値l do the next POT event. Just for in order to expand my knowledge, what are the benefits of POT?

@ w1Nd riDER: Thank you. Regarding FSL 2 resistance, I would have to think about it. Start working on MG/WG as suggested. Thank you for helping with the campaign. I値l seek the items.

@AKA: Thank you. I would like to dabble with all factions. My Main will be a wizard. Again, what are the benefits of POT? Which faction is better for game events? I see that you also suggest: TG>WG>LG>MG>HG (I値l do that shortly). What is DoF? Finally, This is a great game and I知 having fun. Certainly it is not a military ecevercise and I don稚 refer to it as such :-) Cheers.

@awesome1993: By all means. The people here friendly and help each other. Enjoy.

@Menetekel: Thank you. I値l donate in two weeks during the anniversary event and get access to TG. I see you have a debate whether or not to build up resistance. I would have to think about it.

@Neon10. Thank you.

@MrBattleControl: Thank you.

Cheers everyone for your effort and help.

Greatly appreciated

P.S. Two final questions for now: What is DoF for wizards? What are the benefits of PoT?
1. Dominion of fire talent, once you get fireball damaging an enemy with it will reduce their defence

2. good rewards from the event, in my opinion one of the most fun ones building up your army. Most importantly you can get faction skill points in any faction without building the castle
Benefits of PoT -
* You will be rewarded with a rare artifact ( which will not be rare after everybody is gifted the same thing) which you can sell.
* You can build your least favourite faction in these events.
* Fun
Don't overdo the event... Look at gold and think about how much damage you can take and do that many battles..
Some people are in state of bankruptcy and there go into events like " YeAH BABY !" .. After the event they be like " Oh crap" ... <== I was one of that xD
@merlin10 & Neon10: Thank you very much!
PoT isn't that great in lower levels, because you can easily raise your factions with better fsp ratio using guild combats. You may level up very quick without getting guild bonuses.

I personally play only events which give guild points and/or are really fun to me. But I'm one of the more "military exercise" guys. ;) I'm a nerd havin fun at my stats.
This topic is long since last update and considered obsolete for further discussions.

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