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AuthorRemove 'changing faction' from transfer log
Since we can change faction unlimited times there is no point to keep spam on transfer log. Also make some buildings like marked, blacksmith and art capacity increasing building universal for all the faction. For example if you build marketplace in knight faction it would automatically appear on all other factions. Players who already bought those building on multiple factions could get refund like it use to be with Wizards mini artefacts. It would save loads of time for switching faction only to buy sell art
Good idea
+ Or give us an option to quickly hide it.
this is the only easy way an external tool can determine what faction you were playing a particular time.so if anyone wants to build such a tool,, would be left with minimal options to collect statistics
Good point. But +1 to a checkbox to filter them out.
This game could need some updates in "Personal settings".

This one (don't show faction changes in transfer log) could be one. Call it "Advanced settings" or something and add some more handy stuff to it.
-1 because

this is the only easy way an external tool can determine what faction you were playing a particular time.so if anyone wants to build such a tool,, would be left with minimal options to collect statistics

Agree. Also, maybe consider that it is how it is because you don't get to hide from others either what faction you were playing at a specific time? It requires a bit of work for others to verify specific activity as you must go over both combat and transfer logs.
or give an option to hide/show the faction change.
for virtual_vitrea:
Then put it in combat log. It serves no purpose in transfer log.

-1 for the idea of removing it completely
If the suggestion was to implement on/off options for various type of logs, then I'd say +1
-1 for the idea of removing it completely
If the suggestion was to implement on/off options for various type of logs, then I'd say +1
Then put it in combat log. It serves no purpose in transfer log.

sure, but i'd rather have a combat log of combats only. Matter of personal choice as I don't think displaying faction change in transfer log is an inconvenience. I wish someone would tell me why it bothers them :p

no need...
we already have Filter in Transfer Log.
It helps in some cases.. sometimes when I want to see from which faction a player played that particular battle ( which can't be viewed, mostly STs or events ), this feature helps.
I strongly support the 2nd idea(buildings for all factions one).
I guess it has been implemented :)
Good thing that they removed it. Always found it useless when I was constantly switching factions.
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