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Authorsuspicious gold transfers
This player has multiple different characters ( level 5) transfering gold to him as gifts.

2017-01-29 15:05: Received 5792 Gold from Shivam: loan
2017-01-29 11:41: Received 7000 Gold from Shivam: gift
2017-01-29 09:49: Received 6000 Gold from dark_elven: gift
2017-01-24 19:50: Received 701 Gold from Shivam: Gift
2017-01-22 14:05: Received 367 Gold from Shivam: gift
2017-01-21 20:06: Received 208 Gold from Shivam: gift
Player banned by moderator MrBattleControl until 2017-02-08 21:27:07 // L.R #3. Do not duplicate your complaints or ‘up’ them by posting meaningless comments.
closed by Lexa (2017-09-28 18:26:55)
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2008-2025, online games LordsWM