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Author28th Mixed tournament plus- Whats your take on that
The mix tournament has been started
What you guys think about this..

How much randomness & balance is there?

Its a general discussion for expressing & sharing the player's view & experience.
Sometimes balance is ok.
but sometime balance is such that u can very well see ur lose.
i would give it a average rating :D
4 battles played from which there were afk on my team in 3 battles..
Can we expect a Reward/Item for reaching Bronze/Silver/Gold Btw?
Or they do this just to encourage PvP and take Stadistics for more Balancing?
reward if u come in 10% I think.
There is no 10% rewards for Mixed Tournaments.
Can we expect a Reward/Item for reaching Bronze/Silver/Gold Btw?
Yeah you always get it.
Battles are very very imbalanced...

Dont get me wrong:
Its not "Imbalanced" because of Factions, its Imbalanced because of "Match/Team Making".

TDE is Op though.
I played against a lvl 13 and 2 lvl 8s.. lvl 8s couldn't make any damage at all and lvl 13's damage wasn't enough because of my fsp.. I won it one sided. My opinion is its better to stick to same level battles.
My opinion is its better to stick to same level battles.

exactly.. but, sadly, there are not enuf online at all levels hence this abomination is devised ;)
for Galabar:
You were just lucky with that one I believe :P
If the two level 8's were holy/dark/mage caster, and level 13 was a might of a faction such as knight with DU, I don't think you or any other level 14 would have had a chance.

On average these battles are balanced, but if you take one game at a time most are not "perfectly" balanced as obviously that's impossible, and as selfist pointed out we don't have enough players for equal levels, and also "mixed" by definition means non-equal levels.

Still we should give admins some credit, this is better than I expected so far. Also the tourneys being "plus" type tourneys and not regular ones means you are guaranteed a prize equivalent of about your arts cost as long as you get 20 wins, so we can clearly see admins are making it more to the players' interests to join.
Mixed tournament is the biggest joke I have seen in this game. Low level players ruin it. They join to buff/slow etc while their units can't even damage anything of the opponents creatures. Whenever a high level players gets a low level player like this, sometimes even two when it's a level 18-20 against two level 15s while they get none, the high level player easily defeats them thanks to the slowing, cursing, buffing low level players, while the low level player even uses his units to take the retal so the high level player can keep hitting for free. And since the priority is the high level player, they can't ignore those to hit the low level players units especially when their units are slowed as well. Mixed tournament is nothing but a joke due to this, that's why I don't participate in any of these mixed tournaments.
They should change the format to where the difference of lowest level player and the highest level player cannot be more than 5 orso. This would put a stop to this idiocy and make it at least balanced to play it.

Mixed tournament is the biggest joke I have seen in this game. Low level players ruin it. They join to buff/slow etc while their units can't even damage anything of the opponents creatures. Whenever a high level players gets a low level player like this, sometimes even two when it's a level 18-20 against two level 15s while they get none, the high level player easily defeats them thanks to the slowing, cursing, buffing low level players, while the low level player even uses his units to take the retal so the high level player can keep hitting for free. And since the priority is the high level player, they can't ignore those to hit the low level players units especially when their units are slowed as well. Mixed tournament is nothing but a joke due to this, that's why I don't participate in any of these mixed tournaments.

I know right. But the truth is that it has been like this since forever. As if standard buffs/debuffs weren't annoying enough, there is an occasional level 12 mage sitting in the fight just to provide armor burn - and that most ridiculous ability that ruins everything. You cannot advance nor can you defend. Just have to stay away from all enemy units and try to outlive the subsequent ranged damage. Its barely about tactics - matchmaking decides all.
i think the system knows the power of buffs-debuffs and sets the teams accordingly.you can kill fast those small level buffers-debuffers which is not hard.
had 11 defeats and only one can be taken as unfair setup.the 10 occurred from bad gameplay. from the 20 wins in only one or two i feel as i was favored.details can be seen in my battlelog.
Its barely about tactics - matchmaking decides all.

had 11 defeats and only one can be taken as unfair setup.the 10 occurred from bad gameplay.

I honestly dont know which one of both to agree with, Tbh.
Sometimes I've felt like there was nothing you could really do to stop the "Beast" from destroying everything, others I realized the mistakes teammates/opponents were doing constantly Non-Stop.

Still, I honestly dont like the CG Format at all, Tbh.
I would obviously like it if you could setup/arrange Lvls of both teams like in normal GBs, but there arent enough players to have the battles full of people, I guess.
Mix is sure way to burn some gold ;)
I loved the mixed tournament but it is too big of a time commitment. I liked the old mixed tourneys that were 12 battles. The 20 wins format is easily twice as many battles. Its super difficult to make time to play that many battles. I have not even entered this tournament for fear of the time commitment.
Its super difficult to make time to play that many battles.
It is very very time consuming to play tbh, and it may even take 100 battles if one is determined to win atleast a bronze, again cost of arts would be higher than the reward :3
Minor tournament would've been a better option instead of this mixed. and it stretches for 2 weeks, which means we may have another event atleast a week after it finishes :/
it may even take 100 battles

would be a good indication to look for another game or find a shaman to remove the curse on you ;)
it may even take 100 battles

would be a good indication to look for another game or find a shaman to remove the curse on you ;)

Nice :D

That sure a bad luck for 80 turns ;p
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