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AuthorNew Portal of Time Coming!
Dear Lords and Ladies, the court wizard Abu-Bakir is glad to announce that a new Portal of Time is about to open up. According to his calculations, this should happen tomorrow, August 12, at 7:00 server time. All those who would like to travel into the past and have attained Combat Level 5 should make sure they’re adequately prepared and stocked up on shop artifacts.

Take heed! All combat in the upcoming Portal will follow new rules:
1. Combat level 5 is required to take part.
2. Battles will be 1 on 1.
3. You may recruit and field only creatures that you’ve previously discovered and captured at Empire facilities.

How to discover and capture creatures for use in the Portal of Time:
1. Creatures are scattered across all the facilities around the Empire. Their placement differs for characters of different combat level.
2. Each creature switches facilities every midnight.
3. Creature discovery is possible at any facility and takes a certain amount of time, after which you may attack and capture them.
4. To successfully capture a discovered creature, you must defeat an army of these creatures led by their boss.
5. Every new creature discovery takes more time than the previous one. When you successfully capture a creature, this time resets to default.
6. Captured creatures are immediately available for recruiting and use in the Portal.
7. For each successful victory over a creature, you earn +0.1 point toward the Hunters’ Guild and 1 essence gem for that creature.
8. After finding a certain number of essence gems for a given creature, you may upgrade it, up to four times in total.
9. The ultimate creature upgrade will grant you access to a new creature type never before seen in all of the Empire.
10. The number of times you can capture a creature on the map is limited to no more than 20+[your total Portal battles]*7.

Creatures can already be discovered and captured on the map today!
You’re welcome to discuss the new Portal of Time and creature discoveries in the dedicated forum topic, Discovering and capturing creatures.

Best of luck!
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