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AuthorStocking up on enchanted arts
So I was planning on stocking up on some of the enchanted arts, which arts should I consider stocking up?

I was thinking of mainly SoM and midnight bow, maybe also a few Ruby Gladiuses. Also are the daggers worth it?
Daggers are good if you're planning on going the full 3 enchant arts (but by default you neglect on a shield so lose def, so depends what you want). Possibly an enchant armour item can help a lot vs Mage builds and also decrease dmg done by a charging stack. Otherwise weapon choices are good :)
Stock up on those things that:
a) You are going to use and
b) That you cannot get for cheaper elsewhere.

Getting a dagger from the artifact shop is useless. The Dagger of Vengeance gives you 2ap and +1 attack and costs 540 gold per battle. It is possible to get 5x12 daggers that give you more ap and greater parameters for equal or less of that price. Or if you want an alternative shop dagger, a 5x10 enchanted flame dagger is 650 gold (at a quick glance at the rental section) and gives you more superior parameters.

Just because something is cheap doesn't mean it is worth buying. If you don't generally use enchanted arts, what's the point in getting a whole bunch of them if you don't use them? If however, you use them for survilurgs etc. then it may pay well to get some cheap now.
I see :)

Yes my intent indeed is to use them on survilurgs, maybe also on QT(but I rarely play it, almost never), and most importantly I plan on using it if a future enchant allowed event comes up.
So with that in mind what is the wise choice? :D
Well if you are wanting to rent them; probably the bow of midnight still and the ruby gladius. I am not sure why you were thinking Sword of Might - When the Ruby gladius would be superior in those situations.

In terms of getting enchanted armours, that is an entirely personal decission and up to you. For the survilurgs the weapons would be handy to have. I personally would not rent out the enchanted armours in large amounts because I rarely have reason to use them.

Ultimately it comes down to what you want to rent, I have just given you a couple of things to consider.
I am not sure why you were thinking Sword of Might - When the Ruby gladius would be superior in those situations.

First, it is the most cheapest arts (so, it is much cheaper and better)
Second, There is no intention to use serious enchant.

But, Does it really worth?
Don't forget inventory space!

Is it good idea to use 10 space (eg) for very cheap but a good arts?
Is it Better to use 10 space for a little more expensive but Very great arts?

How much gold are you willing to use?
How do you think you will use?
Dood just Rent ALL possible Swords/Daggers/Bows you can Rent in Shop (Enchanted).
If you have room in Backpack ofc!!!

Lets be honest: In one place or another, you gonna use them.
Survirlugs, TG or GB, but you gonna use the Enchants for sure.

By refusing to Rent them the 6-7Th August you are actually losing a lot of money, because you gonna Rent later anyway when the Discount is not up anymore.
I am not sure why you were thinking Sword of Might - When the Ruby gladius would be superior in those situations.

I think in this situation the damage from the sword is coming from the enchants more than the base stats.

The SoM has 2% better ini bonus, loses out by 2 on attack and does not have the 7% melee bonus.

However at 270 vs 430 it is 160 gold cheaper per rent - as a % it is about 60% of the cost

What matters is whether it is enough, will the better enchant allow you to win the survilurg anyway even without the 7% melee damage.

PErsonally I think I would SoM it, I am a cheapskate after all :)
Yeah I forget sometimes that most people aim to save gold - I usually hunt for the best stats ;)
Oh yea, I forgot to mention that my advice was for survilurg, cos that's about the only time I use enchant regularly.
for Corey:
Thanks for your input :)
Well the main reason I want to have some soc is for use in non-pvp battles, such as tough hunts.
Also I agree with you that I barely get to use armours so I think I would just stick to weapons :)

for Gaara:
Fortunately for me inventory space is not a problem, I have 90 space with abc and usually I have about half of that empty, so I don't mind hording up quite a few of them.
Also I am not sure how much I wanna spend :P What do you guys think? 6 months is about 26 weeks, even if I use say only 4 dura per day that easily makes up 100 dura in total, so I guess it will be quite expensive if I rent a bunch.

Also I am having second thoughts about whether it is really worth the investment or not, after all maybe I won't lose THAT much if I don't horde up, or maybe I would, given the arts in our depo cost roughly twice compared to the price right now(which would probably drop since even after the discount shop would be cheaper so no one would rent from depo unless they reduce costs).
for randomr1:
If Inventory is not a problem,

1) 100 dura is just 5 arts
2) You can use just a SOM as hunt and it's nearly same as Min-AP but highly effective (you can use it just in hunt)
3) To save ruby or higher, It's up to decision either will use or not

Since you said you have half free 45 (assume you always active ABC?), then better save about 10x SOM and 5x Ruby or something.
I don't see the use of enchants in MG/HG. Feels like a waste of money. Betting on an event with enchants allowed sounds like a risky bet and gicen the current trend you would need about 100 durability per enchanted art slot to make it to the end of the event you'll have quite a lot of useless enchants if nothing happens.

When was the last one with enchants allowed before tamer event?
I don't see the use of enchants in MG/HG. Feels like a waste of money.

I use an enchanted SoM (during this promotion) in army MG battles because it can be the difference between doing it within 5 battles or skipping it altogether.

Also, enchants aren't too expensive if the reward of the hunt is greater than the cost and can't be done in normal arts due to being too hard.

even if I use say only 4 dura per day that easily makes up 100 dura in total,
You mean 4 dura per week? That doesn't seem like much, less than 1 defence a day.
this is from my point of view and circumstances

I have TG 5, I use ech SOM to thieving because having 10%x4 extra element damage and 10% def igonore (average 4 def ignored) is perfect for DE thief that most of the time strike first (except if faced other DE or elf). with tg 5 I gain 280-340 gold per win so it can pay the rent cost by itself.
I will rent 5-7 SOM for thieving, and maybe 1 ruby gladius just in case I need it. no bow and dagger for me because DE have no proper ranged unit and dagger will make me shatter in just 1 turn
Well I stocked up for 140 battles till now, both sword and bow enchanted. :P

Out of gold for now, but will stock more. :)

6 months time, there is high possibility for event to come which allows enchants.. I might save gold there that time.
Well I stocked up for 140 battles till now, both sword and bow enchanted. :P

I have TG 5, I use ech SOM to thieving because having 10%x4 extra element damage and 10% def

Are you guys not worried that after the battles your difficulty will be so high you'll have to lose a lot to make it do-able in min AP again?

Are you guys not worried that after the battles your difficulty will be so high you'll have to lose a lot to make it do-able in min AP again

No, because an Enchanted Sword of Might is only 15 AP.
Meaning it wont increase Difficulty as much as if you were playing Full AP (50 AP) coz FSP wont increase as much too.

Yet the effect of having 50 Normal (Without Enchant) AP and an Enchanted SoM is very similar.

Correct me if Im wrong tho.
I don't think it has anything to do with the amount of AP you're wearing, I thought it was to do with the win string of wins.

Let's say with 15 AP (what I play with) you get 2 wins and 1 loss or something and then

For example with SoM you're winning 10 battles in a row then losing one then 10wins etc... once your SoM runs out, it'll be incredibly hard.

You'll have to get a lot of losses for difficulty to go down to be manageable in 15ap (regular) AP.
Are you guys not worried that after the battles your difficulty will be so high you'll have to lose a lot to make it do-able in min AP again?

we can lose purposely against caster with very high FSP to keep the TG battles in doable range
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