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AuthorCommanders Guild- Blindfold Every one for oneself
I think this battle type is one of the most fun ones in-game.
But it is also horrible if someone in a group battle joins here with full enchants...

There should a version of it in Commanders guild.
Blindfold tournaments format (maybe with darkness tower)

I understand that it will be hard to get 6 players of the same level, So i don't mind a +_ 2 variation in levels.
Suggested before:

Tl/Dr: Too much about "Luck and Chance" rather than "Skill involved".

Still I support the idea of EOFOs in CG Tbh.
I absolutely disagree that it is about luck.

When i said blindfold format, i obviously meant no chat and hidden names ( CG must be fair) and same cg points as we get in blindfold tournaments.
"Luck and Chance" meaning "Its all about who is next to you and who gets focused hard first".

for The One Ring:
You can disagree, it doesn't matter. Hiding names and disabling chat doesn't make it any less about luck and chance. The only thing you are avoiding is planning and whining.
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