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Author[News][Pirate Hunt]
A lot of time has flowed since then, as a prison fortress was attacked by a pirate fleet. No deadly gun nor the joint efforts of the dead and living had not been able to break the resistance of the Reich. The coastline of the island greatly strengthened, and now the pirates to attack a lone merchant ships so small coastal village. That is why Tolgar was surprised when he was informed that the gnome-guard has an urgent message about pirates. However, the leader of the dwarfs told to let the messenger in his chambers.

On the threshold appeared gray-haired gnome with a long beard to the floor, in his right hand he held a war hammer, and the left - a shield with the image of a griffin opened its wings. Seeing the dark look Tolgara, dwarf became fussy shield to hide behind, opening the view standing behind him emaciated old man Witch.
- In recent years, pirates are increasingly avoid direct clashes - finally began his story guard. - But we have learned to drive them into a trap by a second ship. In today captured a pirate ship in the hold, I found a few prisoners, among whom was the magician.
- How long the pirates began to take prisoners? - Tolgar asked, referring to the wizard.
- I do not know - the old man quietly replied. - But I was able to visit several ships pirates exchange of prisoners, as a commodity. Someone sold to slave traders, and someone rumored to be questioned by the captain himself a red beard. They used my magic to navigate during a storm.
- Whatever plotting the pirates, we have to strike first - still face Tolgara not issued a single drop of anger that he felt from the story of the sorcerer, as if it were carved from stone. - Immediately I will discuss this news with Grammitom!

Heroes! Gram opens the hunt for pirates!

1) The membership of each ship is waiting for a hero of the 5th Combat level in port cities ;
2) The initial capacity of the ship is 50% of the Hero of the army of creatures, as capacity affects magical damage of the Hero;
3) The fights are held in a new format - two ships Heroes against a pirate;
4) For each battle Heroes can be promoted to the rank of victory or demoted for losing;
5) For each battle heroes will receive the silver, the amount of which depends on the rank of the Hero of the sea and the outcome of battle;
6) Imperial workshops are ready to install new guns or increase the capacity of the ship for the troops of the Hero of the Silver;
7) The higher the rank of Heroes, the stronger the army captured a pirate;
8) guns options, depending on their level of improvement and the Hero;
9) To eliminate the risk of capture by pirates of the elements modifiers does not work in fighting allowed any artifacts.;
10) Hunt pirates can not more than 12 times a day, attempts unused transferred the next day;
11) to hunt pirates last only 7 days until 22 July inclusive (two days at the end of hostilities, to July 24, inclusive);
12) In the victory over the Pirates have a chance to get the artifacts creatures;
13) Many of the pirates ply the slave trade, so there is a chance to meet the prisoners in the cell creatures on board a pirate ship. The cell can be destroyed by magic or melee. With the destruction of the cells, prisoners being joined to the Hero, release them. One stack of surviving creatures can take to the next fight;
14) For the money, you can install a new tool - setkom¸t. Setkom¸t striking targets at a distance, by depriving them of movement for two turns;
15) Empire generously reward the heroes who collected the largest amount of silver.

Get plenty of wins!
thanks for the translation
how open the cell?
for Lord Anatema:
destroy it by magic or melee damage
I assume Top Ranks will be for those who can afford Rare Sets? :((

It says you can wear ANYTHING without Crafts.
The format is so odd :O
me likey
BTw, hero damage to cell is 0 and hero magic is reduced by a factor of 10
anyone share there battle here..i just what to know how battle field and formation looks.. thanks
Is it recommended to go full arts for this sort of event?
Just to confirm, are we capped at 12 victories or 12 battles a day?
for Lord coolsuperj:

Initially you can go with the min-required later on to get decent wins you need to improvise on you arts.

for The One Ring:

12 battles.
Actually is it better to raise your army (ship capacity upgrades) or buy cannons this time? I remembered during the last similar event, cannons were too weak.
cannons were too weak. same here
2) The initial capacity of the ship is 50% of the Hero of the army of creatures, as capacity affects magical damage of the Hero;

Can someone explain that part?
Look at my battles.
I have only half my troops.

My magic damage is also reduced (magic arrow deals 11 damage instead if 22).
So bigger ship means bigger army and stronger spells?
So bigger ship means bigger army and stronger spells?
No you get 100% troops and you did 100% spell damage.
beginning you get 50% of your total troops and do 50% of your spell damage..then each ship increase +10% till you get 100% (which is your full troops and spell damage )
damn Russians...they spoil Madona :( they made her as undead male crap

Can anyone explain me whether is there any difference between the cannons? I mean whether the second cannon whithout any upgrade is better than 1st cannon (without any upgrade) and also what is the net cannon (and can I have the net cannon without buying cannon 2,3,4?). Thx.
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