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AuthorIncrease the experience cap for hunting helpers
I help people hunt a lot and the low exp cap for helping out hunting is really discouraging. The current exp cap for my CL is around 1000 while the hunter's exp is capped at 7500. I understand the cap is there to keep the helper from stealing exp from the hunter.

But why isn't the cap for hunting helpers increased to min(7500, half of battle exp)? This way, the helper can't grab more than half of the exp and still get some decent reward for a well-fought battle.

Same thing can be said to the HG point (now capped at 0.1).
well, while every experienced player hates to get XP (and level up fast) you want more XP.

if your wish granted, one more battle type will be crossed out for me.

I think its in the benefit of assisting player (helper).
In this game, people want less xp per fsp or their characters end up weaker in the long run.
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