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AuthorPVP event with guaranteed AI teammates
We just had an awesome PVP event where the empty slots were filled with AI heroes.

From my 37 fights 36 were 100% human players, so practically the same as CG. Apparently most players as well had very few AI players in their fights.

The AI teammates would be interesting variation from the common CG battles, since different tactics would be needed to take into account how the AI players behave.

Probably 2vs2 (human+AI vs human+AI) would work best.
Yeah. If there an AI in my team, then AI player should be on oposite team aswell. And no one AI and player vs 2players shouldnt happen ever because AI could do wrong thing aswell. If there situation like that - 1player + AI vs 2AI players.
Interesting discussion. It all hinges on whether you think the AI is better or not. And the fact that you can't discuss with the AI to agree on the next move means some will always complain about what the AI does.

Will be hard to set up :o)
Yes the AI would make moves that you wouldn't want him to do, but that would be the same disadvantage/advantage for both teams ;) I think it would make some interesting battles :)

Will be hard to set up :o)

Maybe, or maybe the griffin-manticore event code would just need a bit of modification :)
Yes. Good point.

One team with 2 coordinated players have a huge advantage against the team with one bot.

Bots for some factions are terrible, i think dwarves and mages would be the best example here.
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