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AuthorWatcher's Guild and Campaigns
Do these 2 formats give good exp/fsp ratio? Like in hunts I get 280 exp per fsp. So will these give a good amount of fsp for less amount of exp?
watchers guild gives very good fsp, when you get 3 stars
Watchers give my level around: 5973 exp with 4.53 skill points (my last watchers guild battle) but not sure if the exp/fsp ratio is different for different levels.
3.439 xp for 1 fsp from CG win
1.666 xp for 1 fsp from 3 star WG

WH errands if got 3 star, gives AMAZING fsp ;)
And what are the requirements for 3 star WG? I mean how many percentage of army should be left?
Also should we do it in high AP or min AP?
For 3 stars you need high Ap.
But to win any WG battle at least minimum Ap outs is required..
My experience is, that the amount of stars in WG depends on how much of your army is still alive at the end of the battle.
Also, there are min ap requirements to battle which are quite high (pretty much full ap really)
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