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Authorbattlemagi taking 0 damage from through shot
I thought to ask here before going to bug/error section of forum.
My lore hit battle-magi and it was 0 damage everytime.
If no, give me reason.
Read the description for careful aim. It doesn't differentiate between friendly fire or enemy fire.
It definitely is a bug, unintended to work like that, but it's an old one.

In short, if you want to hit two stacks when there's a battlemagi nearby, you must target the other target, if you target the battlemagi, it will shield his neighbours.

But of course, in your case, there were 2 battlemagi next to each other, so they shielded each other.

It's totally bugged, but you'll have to live with it.
another problem is that my lore showed 0-68 damage.
So, that's the problem in damage calculater.
I know that it is in beta stage, but we have to make a list of problems so that it can be corrected in future.
another problem is that my lore showed 0-68 damage.
So, that's the problem in damage calculater.
I know that it is in beta stage, but we have to make a list of problems so that it can be corrected in future.a
another problem is that my lore showed 0-68 damage.

When it shows 0-something it actually means that the damage will be 0.

In short, if you want to hit two stacks when there's a battlemagi nearby, you must target the other target, if you target the battlemagi, it will shield his neighbours.

I'm not sure I got it right... I thought only battlemagi would actually take damage no matter what (except in that very setup of two battlemagi).
I'm not sure I got it right... I thought only battlemagi would actually take damage no matter what (except in that very setup of two battlemagi).

No, actually, if you have troops like this:


Where L is a throughshooter, T a troop and B a battlemage, what happen is:

If you target T, then you'll hit both targets;
If you target B, you'll skip damaging B
If T is a battlemage, you'll skip both no matter what.

Or at least that is how it worked last time i tried.. (just after battlewizard came out) :)


If you target B, you'll skip damaging B

you mean B will get damaged?
sorry, yes, I meant B gets damaged, T doesn't. (should have been "you skip damaging T", went too fast).

Grunge seems to have a different version, though, i think it deserves some testing again
There is no bug there. The magi that you targeted were next to another stack of battlemagi. That means that they were protected by careful aim.

Careful aim: All allied troops adjacent to this creature do not take damage from through shot.

The shot you fired was by Lorekeepers. Lorekeepers fire through shot. Thus, the battlemagi do not take any damage because they were protected by the adjacent allied battle-magi.

You have to take the description literally, as the explanation in Grunge's post points out. The enemy battlemagi were protecting one another from through shot due to the careful aim ability.
No, actually, if you have troops like this:


Where L is a throughshooter, T a troop and B a battlemage, what happen is:

If you target T, then you'll hit both targets;
If you target B, you'll skip damaging B
If T is a battlemage, you'll skip both no matter what.

Good to know, thanks! It happened to me during the tournament that I killed both a gremlin and battlemagi stack with battlemagi, but I thought it was because I had killed the battlemagi. It might be instead because I did not target battlemagi.
It is actually a bug but admins for some reason let it go(maybe they heard too much of a certain song and drunk vodka xD).
If you go by the literal description then it makes sense, but if this were to be intended then the ability name would be something like "shield allies from through shot" or something like that, not "careful aim".
The intention must have been that if your battlemagi stack is shooting and there is an ally adjacent to it and in its shot's way, then it would not get damaged, hence the name "careful aim", however I believe the admins realized they would need to make a lot of changes to get it fixed so they left it as it is, otherwise I don't know why they still haven't fixed it.
closed by Bheem (2016-05-16 11:29:02)
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