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AuthorStrange damage formula
According to the help document, wizard's bonus to neutral creatures follows:
[q]All Wizard characters also have an increase to the damage they deal with spells to neutral creatures at hunt and on Mercenaries' Guild errands:
in case of direct damaging spells, [final damage]=[normal damage]*(2+[faction skill level])/2;
in case of area of effect damaging spells, [final damage]=[normal damage]*([spell area]+[faction skill level])/[spell area].
This damage increase has no effect with the "Firewall" spell.

Why is that
1) The damage increase has effect with the "Firewall" spell. I tried and it worked.
2) The "spell area" didn't work properly with "Meteorite rain" spell. I tried all area effect spells, in which the "Firewall" uses 3, "Stone spikes" uses 5, "Ice ring" uses 8 and "Fireball" uses 9 respectively as their "spell area". However, the "Meteorite rain" spell uses 4 in that formula, instead of the presumable value 16.
Bug I suppose, we have them very often, especially in neutral combats.
Wonder why your quotes didn't work out, let's see if mine work.
Oh ok you have to type and not [q]... sorry if this is off topic :P
I mean quote inside brackets, not q... this is confusing, sorry :P
1) The damage increase has effect with the "Firewall" spell. I tried and it worked.

Why not? Considering what you copied, the damage applies to spells, not destruction... It also works for other nature spells, even wasp.

2) The "spell area" didn't work properly with "Meteorite rain" spell. I tried all area effect spells, in which the "Firewall" uses 3, "Stone spikes" uses 5, "Ice ring" uses 8 and "Fireball" uses 9 respectively as their "spell area". However, the "Meteorite rain" spell uses 4 in that formula, instead of the presumable value 16.

Where you targetting just one stack?
for Slust:
I copied the message from the help file.

For meteorite rain, I tried targeting 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 or even 6 stacks(in MG). The single-stack damage all worked as

final damage = base damage * (4 + fsp) / 4 * (0.85^(stack-1))

If the help file is right, the 4 in formula should be 16. As I mentioned other area damage spells.
This topic is long since last update and considered obsolete for further discussions.

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