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Authorsmith guild
The cost for repairing an artifact is about the same as buying a new one. It does not get reduced as you level up in the Smith Guild.
What's the benefit of advancing in the Smith Guild then?
In my opinion, no benefits.
well, I suprised that you reach cl 15 and dont know.

the benefit of smith guild is you can repair with more efficiency as you gain level in smithing. so you can repair echanted, event, or rare art more efficiently and save more gold. repair echanted art is cheaper than buy and echant new one
for krabylos:
Do you know how much gold a smith has to invest in order to become max smith? He have to spend millions.
Smith gets profit when they charge about 110% gold for repair, which people give only if you give them 80% efficiency back..
Getting 80% efficiency will definitely cost you around 1.5kk :(

Have a look to this topic for more ideas :)
for -_NO--NAME_-:

Show me one smith who is changing 110% these days. It was back then, now it's a whole different instance.
for vicky666:
Yo vic :)
Talking about old LWM days(Missin them) ^^ to point that it had little profits..
The price for higher efficiency got decreased as the Smiths around here got increased in their count. Never forget the past :p
Oh its ' charging' not ' changing ' :p
for krabylos:
Do you know how much gold a smith has to invest in order to become max smith? He have to spend millions.

so, whats your problem mate? of course I know the cost.
he ask for benefit, I answer the benefit.
And +
Saw smiths charging 105% so far in HWM forums..
Also, few smiths charge 102%+10% for urgent cases...
for krabylos:

I surely know the benefits you mentioned. But I also know the cost vicky mentioned too. Is that kind of investment really worth it? Your zero commitment to the smith/enchant tells me your answer. :-)
financialy speaking it is not worth investment.

smith today is just for help your clan/MC
profiting from smithing is very hard these days due to the many number of players who have reached maximum efficiency,if u use a lot of enchanted and rare arts,then u can repair your own arts and profit from it,but then to reach maximum efficiency in the first place u have to make a sizeable investment,you can make other players pay half the gold when u reach 50% or something,but still that would require a lot of time and players willing to pay you,u have to join a clan,advertise your smithing,it takes a lot of effort,just forget about it
Actually 101% cost for repairing would lead to a profit margin, however since each artefact has a different price for repairing, it's very hard to meansure an averange profit ratio per artefact, not only that, but how to predict how many artefacts someone will ever repair in time pespective, eg time between one person 'A' asked to repair and a new client 'B' also asked to repair, let's imagine a scale between those 2 imaginary persons at 60 hours/averange.

Taking in account as no name said, there's some offers at 102% for instance.

Let me try to ilustrate everything I've said above.
Let's assume someone asked to repair SoM since it's the most common enchanted artefact I suppose, at 102% price tag, that would give 195 profit, minus taxes, equals 95 gold for an actually profit, per each SoM at 102% cost.

Since repairing such artefact isn't that common, let's assume someone will repair once a week, and the amount of gold necessary to reach 90% efficiency is around 2 millions.
With that in mind, it would take roghly 434 years in order to pay itself, for a person who repairs a SoM once a week, at 102% price tag.

There's many variables involved as such: Which artefact will be repaired, price per repair, how often the smither will be repairing or not. So please do not take those numbers above as any source of 'official' or anything, because it's not, I was only trying to demostrate 1 case scenario.

That being said, it would hardly pay it self.
One small correction, 101% will not lead to a profit margin, due tax.
With that in mind, it would take roghly 434 years in order to pay itself, for a person who repairs a SoM once a week, at 102% price tag.

Challenge accepted! I shall force my son's in the future (and grand son's) to keep repairing items! It shall be my families legacy!

On a serious note, smithing would cost about 5 mil + to get to 90% efficiency. Is it worth it? Depens on your financial status. I like enchanting more thou :).
a sincere confession. My greatest regret in this game is

building blacksmith when I reached lvl 6.. and burried a ton of gold there.
this invesment will never pay back in terms of gold. I still need to burry an annoying amount to reach 90% repair.

only plus side is, once have max repair capability, you can help your friends, clanmates with their delicate equipment. In a heated war, those max enhanced equipment tends to get depleted quite fast. then looking for an available max smith, well, sometimes can be a painfull task.
No benefits, unless you want to repair rare artifacts or enchanted artifacts, but you will have wasted tons of gold to level up anyway.
My experience is that due to high repairing prices I started my own smithing, just to be independent. So basically out of protest I started, and when reached some serious levels put an offer to participate in cost just to boost it even more.... ex: 60% repair eff with 60% repair cost... now being quite some time max smith I still remember friends who helped to get there - some just from profit but some from simply finding it convenient and they all have permanent no profit service, but for a clan in general giving great offer - not to mention explicitly because I dont want to advertise - especially for enchanted and rare stuff. Knowing how hard it was, just being a good Samaritan I guess =) but to conclude if other smiths were less greedy to begin with would never even consider smithing in first place because it took an arm and leg of gold. Feel pretty much the same about enchanting ;) So main benefit would be independence I guess, doubt that can profit in any way, except perhaps if larger group of players pushed one to be max which pretty much was in old days around year 2008 and such.
One small correction, 101% will not lead to a profit margin, due tax.

for Angel of Death: how easy to have an opinion without knowledge ? I admire you and some other younglings courage. They just type every thought as soon as came to their mind.

to clarify the tiny error above line and some of the analyis at post 14 : if a smith says he wants 101%, he gets 101%.. tax is cut from the gold sender, not receiver.

while selling an art tru market, seller pays the tax (gets the gold as tax removed). guess that created the confusion ;)
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