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AuthorBad AI

what the hell!

when everyone choses proper arts

why do i always get the worst AI partner?

he doesnt even wear proper arts

+ opponents with atleast 30+ attack
It's just your bad luck, satan has no part in this. I've seen some AI wear completely rare enchanted arts whilst others just like your very own AI partner. What AI equips, their talent choice, etc are just replicas of real players.
but still damn

atleast a refund would be ok
atleast a refund would be ok

How so? Its not LWM's fault that you lost that battle.

For instance, the enemy Knight had Enchants, none of your team had, from what I've seen.
the enemy Knight had Enchants, none of your team had, from what I've seen.

it depends on the player

but each team should have equal and opposite AI

otherwise it isnt fun nor is it fair
It would be silly to say just because you got an unfair pairing you should get a refund. Loss and unfairness is part and parcel of any game, especially during event period, definitely for one of the days, the battles are more often than not impossible and yet no one will ever ask for a refund for the arts used, why? Because they themselves choose to play and were not forced, etc. It's pure bad luck, I'm sure when you get an enchanted AI partner, you wouldn't ask, why did I get the best AI partner?
i have never got an partner with enchanted except maybe once in lvl9 but with almost DUMB troops

but anyways no point in blaming mistake in AI

but i just HOPE admins can do something about it
id like to point out that you wouldn't be complaining if you had an AI with full enchants. its pure luck as to what AI you get.
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