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AuthorFortification Vs Teleport
If a monster with Teleport (Lets say Vamp Counts for instance) hits a Veteran, it deals the normal damage it would make, since Vamps dont actually MOVE if you get my meaning, which I find good and I think MAKES SENSE, if you get my meaning.

The thing is that it shows the damage you would do as if Fortification would work against Vampire Counts, so would be good if it was fixed.
Like, when you put the Mouse on a unit, it says the damage you would make, but the thing is that it shows wrong info in this case Im talkin' about in this Thread.

Just that, thx in advance.
Same thing happens with lizards and their lizard charge ability. Damage indicator is always wrong and especially in events (PoT) where it's really vital to know whether you can 1 hit kill a specific creature in the said amount of steps.

Sometimes with Lizards if you check the damage you would do moving 2 tiles it can show the SAME damage as if moving 1 or 3 tiles against a Unit that has a lot of Defence, which is not correct at all taking into account the Ability works properly.
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