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AuthorWatcher's Guild Discussion Thread
Since the last topic is now "long since last update and considered obsolete for further discussions.", this will be the new discussion thread for WG.
Please ask any questions you have about WG, share and ask for strategies and opinions, and notify of any updates regarding the guild here.

Let me start off with what is probably my worst defeat so far in WG.
Since the very beginning of the guild, many people questioned if it is really possible for every faction/class of every CL to do every single guild quest, and the recently introduced "Castle" type errands make the admins' claim even harder to believe. I just played this battle today, and lost terribly.
First of all, I know charmer was a bad choice for this HK castle errand, but every single class CAN win right? Wrong. I had the best arts for my level, no DU but the way I got demolished it probably wouldn't have made a difference, the archer tower took out all my rangers, the spikes killed half of my troops, oh and by the time I'm dead I realize I also have an enemy to face... seriously the castle alone could have taken me down, no need for that guy there.
Another concern I have is about the AI for HK griffins... they somehow seem to read my mind every time and know where I am going to place my troops, not just here, but even in a hunt I recently did.
Feel free to share your opinions on this battle and let me know what you all think of it. :)
PS: I would also request market-watcher to bump this guild when necessary if possible just like the faction discussion threads.
Question: Why do we need to have a Watcher's guild discussion thread?

It made sense when the guild was new but frankly there isn't anything worth discussion anymore. In the first topic which is now outdated, it was meaningful halfway through then it just became a place for whining.
Hmm, no idea :P
I will leave it for the mods to decide :D
Agree with Virtual that it kinda was a place for whining... xD

Regarding the HK Castle Quest, I'd say it was doable by far, you just had to sit and wait for Catapult to destroy the Gate, there werent any Wardens alive anyway to shoot you down.

You lost all the army in the spikes. :/
guild thread like GG,TG/RG and now WG is not so popular. since very few using it, mostly people comes there to post there battle and there frustration :P
for Ipsen:
Couldn't disagree more, I'm sorry :/
you just had to sit and wait for Catapult to destroy the Gate
So you mean i would wait 4 hero turns or so just to destroy the gate? Did you even see the damage output of the archer towers?

mostly people comes there to post there battle and there frustration :P
Omg absolutely!! xD
Feel free to share your opinions on this battle and let me know what you all think of it. :)

you just not clever enough to pick most suitable strategy for Castle+spike battle.
sorry if rude, but its the truth. you step on spike

as DE with no reliable ranged or flyer I can win in castle battle by put all point in def , destroy 1 archer tower, destroy gate, or best scenario when enemy caught my bait and open the gate by themself
for krabylos:
Omg you are a genius! xD
3 star lol!
Which CL would you guys recommend starting WG? It says it recommends 51AP for me (my absolute full arts is 53 AP) but right now I don't feel like my troops are strong enough.
for Meshy:
Any level is suitable since WG is like a compilation of previous events which have been WON before by players of your level and the same class. Contrary to player's complain about in the previous and now obsolete thread, most WG are winnable and it's a matter of finding out the right strategy.
Yes I too think now that all are winnable, though I must admit DU levels have it harder if you don't have a DU.
Still, there is nothing to lose and you should still get 3 star most of the time if you wear full AP so start whenever you can :)
Yes I too think now that all are winnable, though I must admit DU levels have it harder if you don't have a DU.

It is only logical...not a big concern.
Can you close this thread now ? :P
for _-_Kratos_-_:
Why? xD
I will leave it to the mods :P
Any faction enjoying bit advantage in castle task?
Like barb for cyclops & bird.
Why? xD
Yes I too think now that all are winnable...

But if we can help other players sure, this could be a place to post good battles to show newer players how to aproach them.

Any faction enjoying bit advantage in castle task?
I really doubt it. The event was pretty dificult for all. And even if a faction had and advantage, your battles will be harder and negate that advantage.

In WG, factions should not matter.
10# Honestly, with ANY Guild, its better to start ASAP. That includes GG, TG, etc.
Since just by the fact of beggining sooner you'll have extra attribute points compared to other players who didnt increase that Guild lvl, and thus have advantage in GBs.
Also, TG is easier at low lvls IMHO.

15# I think Castles are the hardest WG missions for everyone, even as UN I find it really really hard, even with 10 raises and having Poltergeists and Vamps jump the walls its still a close win.
Yup I try to avoid castle if possible.

Castle & hunt is my lowest chosen task ;)

That's why I m trying to confirm whether its DE or every faction struggling.
All are welcome to comment on this.
But if we can help other players sure, this could be a place to post good battles to show newer players how to aproach them.

As someone who is yet to do WG since it looks scary, I 100% support this.
Meshy you can try the 'Boss of ...' Quests at the moment to begin with, with all points into Def and Vitality as Talent it should be easy for Necro with 3 Stars as result.

Necro is good at resisting damage, its one of the most 'Tanky' factions IMHO.
This topic is long since last update and considered obsolete for further discussions.

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