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AuthorTranslate all Text quests from Russian to English
So... I found out some hours ago that there are Quests only available throught the Russian server, and of course in Russian.
I honestly felt offended and fount it as a lack of respect. Yes, 95% of he players are Russian and yes, a really high % of the money developpers earn thanks to the game is because of Russian players (Since they are more, most money comes from them, obvious and makes sense) but still both groups of players should have the same CONTENT.
This game goes through a lot of concepts, and a language you can understand is a must, but thats for any game in the world I'd say.

Anyway, me and many '.com' players would appreciate if wwe had the same content as Russian players, and in each group of player's language (Russian for russians, english for english speakers).

PS: I doubt it would take a lot of work, and again, its a lack of respect IMHO.
Forgot to say: And thx in advance.
I've already played them, but the suggestion still hold its merit.
but I think it won't happen
PS: I doubt it would take a lot of work

You guys seems to really underestimate the work required in translating all those stories, it'll take a LOT of work for sure

And also they need someone who have really good skills at Russian and English writing, such as Arctic

So, yeah I can see why they think it wouldn't be worth the effort to translate all those quests

However, didn't Arctic said he already translated few of the quests before? Wonder why it hasn't been implemented yet
We should get them too.. :/
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