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Authorplease unblock my character
this is the only forum I can post in so please move to appropriate forum.

I had a main character (easybakejew) and 2 alts (easybakejew1 and just do it) I asked for my main (easybakejew) and alt (easybakejew1) to be blocked because I was not the smartest with choice of the names. I was making just do it my main character to play with. Just do it was blocked with these characters when I made no request for him to be.
Please unblock just do it for me.

forum post asking to be blocked https://www.lordswm.com/forum_messages.php?tid=2384515
also i know he is only a level 2 hero which is easy to achieve but the reason i want the account back is for the laborers guild level I had
My advice: Forget it and start a new character.
As STB said. You only have around 100 enrolls, you should be able to get back to that in a few weeks. It will take far longer to get the character unblocked if the admins even do this. I don't think they will for such a low level character.
IN the middle BOW service was removed and when it was reinstated if i remember bow is bow and you cant turn it back correct?
6. If you are convinced that your punishment has been delivered wrongly, and you believe you have enough to prove it, you may post an appeal to the Official Appeal Commission. https://www.lordswm.com/clan_info.php?id=6500 (please scroll down for English text).

Requesting unblocks on any of the forums is pointless.
closed by Dragon Eater (2015-10-29 19:38:08)
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