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Authorwhat does he want (help me translate his Russian)?
Just helped a guy hunting dragons. I don't understand Russian. He said something when I tried my best to kill the last group of dragons to save his life.


Now he sends me this message and appears to be angry about something. And I don't quite understand his message either.

Anybody helps me with the translation?
He asked you to stop attacking. Wanted to kill the rest himself.
The way the dragons were cleaning him out, he would have lost his last unit as well. I guess he took his frustration out upon you. The way this game has gotten, instead of help they want you to be a decoy so they can rank in the max exp and fsp.
he want you to be bait only, so he can kill almost all of the dragons and get the most FSP.
Can somebody please help me translate what this guy wanted?
Normally when I assist I give the other guy 50% kill, but I don't know what he wanted. :P
Can somebody please help me translate what this guy wanted?
Normally when I assist I give the other guy 50% kill, but I don't know what he wanted. :P

he want you to kill more than 50%, so he get least HG possible and low increment in creature count next boar rider hunt
But, I thought no. of creatures always increases by 30%.No?
But, I thought no. of creatures always increases by 30%.No?
Increase % depends on received fsp. If you hunt alone it'll be 30%.
For 1 fsp you have a 30% rise, for shared hunt with 0.5 fsp to both the hunts will rise only 15%

The old rules were for 30% rise no matter what.

And the prehistoric rules were 1/3 , 2/3 , 1 or 4/3 of the original stack, so hunts could also go down, but that was way back
This topic is long since last update and considered obsolete for further discussions.

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