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Author168th ST CL 11

GL :)

1) 95 veterans- 29 berserkers- 95- 29
2) 76 brawlers all
3) 13 sphynx mummies- 50 guardians- liz chargers mons(1087)- 69 plain wolves
4) veterans mons(1349)- 10 invokers- 61 shrews- 38 vamp counts
5) 17 trolls- 24 nightmares- 265 infected- 4 jade
6) 95 gmb all
7) 10 trolls- 2 black dragon- 10- 2
8) 50 rocs- 152 modern golems- 50- 152
9) 52 griff- 13 dark witches- 38 vamp counts- 12 cavalry
10) 261 golems- 348 fiends- 261- 348
11) 42 fire elements- 332 gargs- 42- 332
12) 235 wolfhounds- 460 liz cubs- 10 aangels- 30 dark witches
13) 58 mummies- stonegnawers monster(4242)- 21 tamed wyverns- 124 mercrenary sorcerers
This topic is long since last update and considered obsolete for further discussions.

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