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AuthorStock of shop arts refilled after an arguement(Must read)
Here is the argument thread,


So many months and for event days, shop arts were not filled.

But, How suddenly it is filled after an few minutes of argument?

Is Donations running as donation here?

Is all players tricked to donate by blocking the output of sites?

Is all resources for production filled game server itself?

Is any scripts used by players to buy stock from sites or one of trick by game server?

Please your opinions.


It is very very seriuos problem to discuss
Additional information:

I do not believe that 'virtual_vitrea' the player himself closed the thread.

I will not close this thread, until get mass positive acceptance all the players
(If the thread closed other than me)
I closed the thread myself. It was simply because i got enough answers and Q&H isn't meant for those sort of discussions.
shop arts always filled by admin from time to time. now it may some delay (i guess after they introduce shop art rent system they make sure rent system must working by delaying shop arts refill- which is balanced in my opinion)

definitely every game must have a commerce about total money and equipment flow,admin must be a control on it and they must balancing it on there interest(there interest!!! it may or may not equal to players wish)
Don't tell me what I must read.

Didn't read anyway, good luck !

For this, scripts are used but it is fairly easy to buy arts from facilities if you are quick and lucky. :)
I myself made decent profit from some past event which I dont remember.

And if you are so concerned and pessimist about the situation then why not buy some arts in advance so you won't face any problems during the event?
[Post deleted by moderator Arcanide // 4.6. It is forbidden to insult other players, as well as to provoke an insult. Any player can lodge ]
Oh god this is utterly pathetic, and here I am still thinking nothing can stoop to a level as low as my country's officials. Guess what? You just prove me wrong.

The fact is there are ALWAYS going to be players that will resort to scripts to purchase arts from market, from facilities,etc and it's not that admins are not doing enough to handle the situation, it's just not easy to keep track of who's using script and so forth.

You pretty much have already gotten the answers to the questions you've posted:shop arts always filled by admin from time to time. The .com counterpart is already being neglected by the admins to a certain extend (as evident to the recent challenge official announcement), and what makes you think admin will have so much free time to refill arts the moment there is an argument about it in especially the .com server?

Please while read the threads or post threads, Just be careful of the comments posted by ANGELS and DEMONS clan members.
All their comment is nothing but, just to divert the attention and cover up their clan mates mistakes who are working for forum.

Either you have not digest anything that was said or have nothing to respond in return. Either way, keeping quiet with nothing good to respond seems like a good move which I strongly suggest you exercise it.
one of trick by game server?
Oh come on mate... Why going this much serious?
Just take this as a game and don't think so much on this :p
Stock of shop arts refilled every time an event ends.
I see you ae smiths guild level 3 - keep working in that and problem solved (well for you at least!)

Buying new isn;t the only solution.
Thanks for concern:)

Actual fact, so many players running blacksmith work with 1% profit and clan have 0%. So at the moment, I no need to think about to level up smith guild.

Actual motive of this thread,

My opinions(Scenario 1)

Is Donations running as donation here?(NO)

Is all players tricked to donate by blocking the output of sites?(YES)

Is all resources for production filled game server itself?(YES)

Is any scripts used by players to buy stock from sites or one of trick by game server?(YES,one of trick by game server)

Anyhow, there is no solid proof or evidence for those

Official people's opinions(Scenario 2)

Is Donations running as donation here?(YES)

Is all players tricked to donate by blocking the output of sites?(NO)

Is all resources for production filled game server itself?(NO)

Is any scripts used by players to buy stock from sites or one of trick by game server?(NO, not one of trick by game server)

Even, there is no solid proof or evidence for those too.


But, all those doubts and confusions(both scenarios) are present in all players. So, It is just an attempt to clarify the doubts and rid out from all those confusions continue the game smoothly.

Hope, It is quiet understandable for you and all.

Hope, It is quiet understandable for you and all.

I tried to read your other topic but only understood like half of it. I understood your sum up though. Involving a clan with 250 members and flagging all of those as "gangsters" really doesn't help to prove your point though; I would bet you don't even know more than 10% of all clannies.
Everyone has an other opinion about certain things. Throwing with names and assumptions is not going to get you anywhere. Im sure if you would talk to players of AnD you would soon realize that they are not "after you". They are just close friends playing a game with eachother every day.

Its normal clannies become closer then not clannies.
for TheKnightsss:

You really seem to understand very little about this game, buddy.

It is clear you are spamming around trying to show your rage because of that hunting incident, which was just a game error. I said you seem to understand little because you made a huge commotion about it; I understand and agree that hunting is an extremely important part of this game but it is not something that would harm your account or affect you drastically in any way, in fact there are many people who do not do hunts because of receiving better FSP or rewards from MG, TG, etc.

Instead of those, what you did was illegally transfer arts worth significant amounts from another account of yours, now that first not your first illegal transfer but since you first ones were long ago they were hidden quite well, yet you blew it up by not only illegally transfer, yet making several posts for weeks, either expecting everyone else to be blind, or wanting to be fined on purpose.

You said you would leave the game or what not, all because of your fault I must add, yet right now you are back again and with positive gold so I assume you donated.Is Donations running as donation here?
Well, I don't know many games in which donations work as donations you know... you don't need to point that out; if I were the owner of this game I would do the same.

Getting back to the topic, I want to say that you are back with your mass spamming. It is absolutely not normal to create 3-4 topics that continually keep offending some of the great admins here. Now keep in mind they do not get paid, they are people who work hard to benefit us, especially Corey. Besides, you are just making fuss over nothing, it is known by everyone how the arts refill system works, it has been accepted as being market tactics, and I would still stick to my opinion that there are NO scripts that are used to take advantages of it, at least none you could prove. Secondly, if somebody is talented and skilled enough to make such scripts, he/she would perhaps do something better in life than hacking a game for in-game money worth a few real life dollars.

Hundreds of thousands have dealt with this problem, and many more, and some have been fixed and some have simply been accepted to be a part of the game, such as this one, which is, as I said, now a market strategy. I believe you are deluded about how much value your opinions hold, which is definitely not more than 100k's of other gamers, and definitely you are deluded about the importance of this matter, which does not even have the importance of being considered minor.

Now, besides offending the admins, you are offending people whom you know nothing about, such as A&D members. Now let's make things clear first, THIS IS A GAME! People who join A&D join for participating in events with fellow English speaking members, rent from the Clan Depository, meet new people, and several other in-game advantages. Now no offence, but you seem to be somewhat drunk when you make it seem as if the people are members of a gang or something; just because an admin is from A&D they won't go out of their way to defend them, instead, they are defending them because they disagree with you, Corey for example, is not a member of A&D yet people from A&D would still defend him on this matter.

Now for you information, it is not your right to be openly insulting the game or its admins. Alyna, the .com server's #1 player got blocked due to that and I believe the admins are being being rather nice in not even banning you from flooding in the forums, Now keep in mind, I am not trying to humiliate you, I am just trying to say that you are making unnecessary fuss in the main forums, for the second time(even that time everybody tried their best to help you) and besides, for some time it seems funny but now you are taking things too far buddy.

To conclude, this is a game, play and enjoy it. If you don't like it don't play it. However, in eith
In either of the cases, you don't need to offend others who are willing no harm on you.

Good luck and take care!
Aye mate, you are right!

Those gangsters from the A&D are the worst.
Especially their leader, Sir Jedi knight.
Down with him!

Join the Dark side...bwahaha... (evil laughter)

OK,now serious :)
Do not know about others but i am 100% sure there ARE scripts buying arts and selling resources.
But can not prove it of course :(
And that is a big problem for honest players, and do not tell me i have other options, i know i do.
That does not makes it ok.
And i am also 100% sure that admins could solve it, with little of work.
Why dont they, i can not say.
It is absolutely not normal to create 3-4 topics that continually keep offending some of the great admins here. Now keep in mind they do not get paid, they are people who work hard to benefit us, especially Corey. Besides, you are just making fuss over nothing, it is known by everyone how the arts refill system works, it has been accepted as being market tactics, and I would still stick to my opinion that there are NO scripts that are used to take advantages of it, at least none you could prove. Secondly, if somebody is talented and skilled enough to make such scripts, he/she would perhaps do something better in life than hacking a game for in-game money worth a few real life dollars.

Corey isn't an admin. He's a moderator, a pretty good moderator i must say. But i am not posting here about this correction. I am genuinely curious as to who or how the "great admins"/moderators/whoever you meant is/are being offended by OP's posts? If you would like to speak for them or defend them (Corey or other people you refer to as great admins), quote something offensive because I don't see anything in his posts. Although I do agree that he was wrong in describing all A&D members like he did, and in overestimating moderators' privileges.

Also why are you talking about illegal transfers here so casually? If you want people to notice about it.. at least make your intentions clear.
Whatever you feel to register your opinion, please feel free to write here.

*This is one of the serious problem(Affects all players). According to the present situation, we are used to spend extra money for shop arts.

(However, we earn from wages, hunt(time consuming)so on and some cases used to spend the real money)

*Also, we playing in an uncertain situation(none of the above mentioned have no proof to clarify the doubts and related confusions)

*If this topic diverted anyway then it get closed and the problem will not solved.
*I assure that not willing to divert this topic with any of my personal issues.
(Just for all supporters convenient)
*As per forum rules, not possible to open same topic again. So, you all can post in by considering it as your own thread.(No need to expect any reply, concern or permission from me to do)
*Even, I am not say 'thanks' for anyone to remind it as my own topic.
This topic is long since last update and considered obsolete for further discussions.

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