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AuthorLast minute to wait for Mercenary quests
The last minute before a new quest is offered lasts 120s
Yeah, because the first minute before a new quest is offered lasts 0 seconds.
The clock looks to start at the correct time to me and first minute passes in normal time.
last minute is actually 119 sec.
Initially (say reputation is 0 and no ABC) it shows 39 mins instaed of 40.
So that minute is adjusted there.
40 minutes or 40m00s only shows as 40 right after you complete quest then it becomes 39 (or 39mXXs) as the seconds are not displayed.

So once more, the clock shows properly at start and there are no lost or hidden minutes to addon at end.
40 minutes or 40m00s only shows as 40 right after you complete quest then it becomes 39 (or 39mXXs)
by that method, the last 2 minute is displayed as 1:59...
It could be that the last minute (Ought to be displayed as 0:xx) is rounded up, hence we wait 120 seconds for the last minute(Display wise).
#6 that was my reasoning too which is why I created this thread so it can be fixed.
The similar happens with enrollment.
It shows 1 minute left, but actually its 1:59 secs left!
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