Author | Worth 1.5 mil? |
Was looking at loot from the chests of abundance and I saw this guy looted these:
I looked at his profile, and his transfer log, and halfway down the page, you see him receiving 1,500,000 gold, and then sending off the boots to the guy who paid him.
Are these boots really worth 1.5 mil? And if they are, are all artifacts similar to this worth that much? |
And using google translate, it says that he will be paid 1.35 more mil in a month. So not 1.5 mil but 2.85 mil. |
Well they are a very rare item and that is a pretty good set.
are all artifacts similar to this worth that much?
Not all - It depends on what set they make up. Have a look at some of the rare sets here;
You will find that some of those sets (for example the druid set) are not worth as much, whereas others such as the Paladin and Tribal sets are worth a lot.
You can look at the market to see some of the other current prices -
However, a lot of the rare arts looted from the chests never make it to market because players see that someone has looted it and send them private offers. |
Ok, and do we have any idea what the chances are of getting these from a chest? |
A very tiny chance. They are not worth purchasing with gold - Because you are more likely to just get an element or a little bit of fsp. The chance is well below 1%. |
Getting any of the rare artifacts is already an abysmally low chance, forget getting the ones you want.
I remember spending about 200k on these chests when they first came out to try it out and got nothing worth mentioning out of it.
I can say for sure that it is almost certainly not worth buying with gold unless you are really really lucky.
The only reasonable way you should get a chest is getting them "for free" with the purchase of every 10 diamonds. |
Hard to say what they're worth. As Corey said, there are no reliable supply/demand values you can track easily via the market; it's more private negotiations.
But this set is definitely very strong, and the damage output is pretty much insane. Not many defense arts (shield, footgear, etc.) give increased attack like we have here. |
See, its all about profit. The guy will enchant the set after completeing it(it may cost him around 16-20 million)
He will then rent the set for around 8-9k per battle
So that is 9*100=900k
Then repair will cost 300k.
So 600k profit and he will keep doing it for a longgg time.
In the end he will make a profit of around 1 mil imo max. But 1 mil is a small amount right? No it is not.
So the better the set demand, bonuses higher the price |