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Author | Enroll App. |
An exclusive app(Android,Ios,Windows) that allows only the enroll code to pop-up,once you enter into the app.
Should list all the available facilities for enroll in the location your character is when you logged out - in a list and allows to enter the Captcha code directly.
Doesnt requires every time log in. App allows only enrolling(No resource selling/ buying transfer etc, moving between locations.,)
Will be useful while we have to enroll in tough situations like boring lectures in colleges and boss meetings :) | Has suggested before,anyways +1. | awesome idea +1 | + | +1 | +1
Will be very useful :) | I can do that with dolphin browser.
Btw, If there are more features in enroll app, in such case +1. | +1 | +1 | + | -1 reduces donations and i have dolphin too and luckily its so slow to use that cant be bothered to enroll witch is great becose not wanna waste my entire life around when to enroll like used to 5 years ago when i couldnt donate as underage.. | a] how much ur willing to pay for it? Free?
b] Why not use puffin? | -1 reduces donations and i have dolphin too and luckily its so slow to use that cant be bothered to enroll witch is great becose not wanna waste my entire life around when to enroll like used to 5 years ago when i couldnt donate as underage..
Reasons why it won't have a big impact on donations.
1 - Most of people who donates and convert diamonds into gold has a very low LG, and they do not seem care about doing enrolls.
2 - TGI, Mounts.
3 - DU for a lower level, which gives a huge advantage, plus improves the overall experience.
Also there's UCIs, which does sells.
Reasons why it would improve donations:
1 - More options, means it will satify players who are looking for this specific feature, that previously didn't exist. A happier person with something, it's more likely to contribute with it, than someone not so happy about it.
It's very common when you see, people doing what they enjoy to do, people also contribute with what they like to do. | Reasons why it won't have a big impact on donations.
1 - Most of people who donates and convert diamonds into gold has a very low LG, and they do not seem care about doing enrolls.well if i would have app that straightly lets me put enroll code ofc i would use it. in high lvl all diamonds bought are msotly due to lack of gold i have bought around 1000 diamonds across all character and 80% of em is bought for lack of gold there isnt that much diamond only stuff so i would see that its stupidest think admins could financialy do since they have cutted the lg rewards to half jsut to get more donations. Reasons why it would improve donations:
1 - More options, means it will satify players who are looking for this specific feature, that previously didn't exist. A happier person with something, it's more likely to contribute with it, than someone not so happy about it.
It's very common when you see, people doing what they enjoy to do, people also contribute with what they like to do. thats little bit like piracing games people claim that they actually buy the game if they like witch isnt true in 95% of cases why would i buy 100 diamonds to get 250000 gold if i have it? makes no sense | why would i buy 100 diamonds to get 250000 gold if i have it? makes no sense
Because otherwise the company that you adore, will bankrupt and close or sell to someone else.
thats little bit like piracing games people claim that they actually buy the game if they like witch isnt true in 95%
That's a falacy number, since it depends from each game, each season, each country and so on. However I do agree with the statement that people does piracy a lot, and it could reflect into billions for some specific AAA titles, which would make them abled release better and cheaper games otherwise.
But unfortunnely this is a cultural problem, which mostly often synergy with country's economy condition. For instace it's more common to find people who piracy from a undeveloped poor 3rd country than countries which people have a better life condition.
I have absolutely no idea why someone thinks, that he/she deservers to enjoy something that has a price, for free. A game is a project, which requeries investiment and work. Most of people doesn't want to work for free, nor give money to someone else that they never saw. The reason of why people behave like this, would enter into a completely different subject, so I'll note enter in details.
well if i would have app that straightly lets me put enroll code ofc i would use it. in high lvl all diamonds bought are msotly due to lack of gold i have bought around 1000 diamonds across all character and 80% of em is bought for lack of gold there isnt that much diamond only stuff so i would see that its stupidest think admins could financialy do since they have cutted the lg rewards to half jsut to get more donations
Well, you can enroll from your smart phone at any time, the proposal of this topic, is by making it less clicks needed.
About your issues with economy, it's very personal, it's mostly likely the way you're playing. I do not camp with my additinal account Death Envoy, and I'm have absolutely no problem with gold, actually I never had any problem with gold at all, it's entirely about how you plan ahead. | +1
Enrolling like it is now is pretty troublesome on smartphones at the moment. | +1 Would be very nice to have a quick way to enroll. Also make sure it works on old smartphones :) | I asked earlier if anybody is willing to pay for app like that..and no1 answer. So..why would anybody outside LWM will do that?
Btw, no1 from LWM admins is watching .com forums. | +++++++++1!!! | -1
Use puffin app.
Definitely reduces donation. |
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