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Authordominion of tempest
I understand that this talent allows me to throw someone back on ATB scale .. but what is accumulated initiative ?
and is it really worth given that i have 20-25 Spell power ??
It will delay its turn by 30%
accumulated initiative
Initiative accumulated during battle (morale, rapid etc)

is it really worth

Facing slow units and factions, yes.

PvP or survilurgs, not so much. Dominion of fire is better option.
delay/move back/push it is a one time effect. Dont know the proper word, sorry! :)
okay , thanks ..
any different opinion ??
but what is accumulated initiative ?

That's difficult to explain. Arctic explained it here: https://www.lordswm.com/forum_messages.php?tid=1832909

If you take his lap runner race example, it means that with dominion of tempest the lightning will push the "runner" back by 30% of what he's already run.

In other words that means the dominion of tempest (exactly like the wasp swarm spell) is stronger when target creature is close to it's turn (especially for low initiative creatures).
I think it's probably only worth it once you have chain lightning. Although I don't know about hunts.
no, no, no.
if a stack just had it's turn, then it has not accumulated any ini yet, then dominion of tempest will have nearly no effect.
for Magier: thanks , i think i got it , if what u r saying is correct :)
If it just moved, no effect, if it will just move, then 30% knockback.
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