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Author160th ST CL15
Here are the LURD waves:

1) troll monster {1} (1191 HP) - 150 crossbowmen - 11 trolls - 150 crossbowmen ---> arrow orb
2) 513 venomous spiders - 8 great leviathans - 641 hobgoblins - 320 fiends ---> resurrect orb
3) 467 venomous spiders - swordswmen monster {2} (2680 HP) - 467 venomous spiders - 273 swordswmen ---> initiative orb
4) gremlin monster {2} (2665 HP) - 575 mountain sentries - 11 angels - 456 ghouls ---> mana orb
5) 80 royal griffins - 27 cyclops - 128 frenzied griffins - 1052 imps ---> arrow orb
6) 264 fiends - 17 unholy knights - unicorn monster {1} (1647 HP) - 372 dryads ---> defence orb
7) 4 x 459 gargoyles ---> defence orb
8) 122 royal griffins - 1602 imps - 168 griffins - 244 grandmaster bowmen ---> defence orb
9) 415 giant lizards - 41 pit demons - 415 crusaders - 37 efreeti sultans ---> arrow orb
10) 27 tribal cyclops - vampire count monster {3} (3446 HP) - 2362 imps - 115 patriarchs ---> arrow orb
11) 248 renegade thugs - 253 tamed minotaurs - 248 renegade thugs - 253 tamed minotaurs ---> rally orb = 25 shadow dragons from RIGHT
12) 4 x 202 royal griffins ---> defence orb
13) 130 searing horses - 82 sphynx warriors - 130 searing horses - 82 sphynx warriors ---> speed orb

My vampires reached 100 defence, but nothing to do against 888 dmg from searing aura.
Good luck all!
closed by crys41 (2015-07-12 18:08:18)
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