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AuthorMC stock market
With the recent updates that rank mc's according to their incomes rather than battle glory, military clans have become like companies and I find it a fair idea that they should have their own stocks which the general public can buy just like it happens in RL. It will add a whole new angle to this game and will promote the "money" and not just the war... There should be a separate "Stocks" section in the market where players can buy or sell these stocks. Investments made into clans will directly go to their depository but ofcourse the players can withdraw them as time passes.

However I agree there should be some regulations and I guess we can discuss them here.
Very diverse idea.
Why just MC then? Why not estates, facilities everything? They sort of had "banking" system in ru (no idea about com) very long ago but they abolished it and banned it.
It was primitive system but people exploited it by using extrachars and what not.

Atm you can form your own cartel and business if you have millions of money but I agree it should be introduced and should be automated.

My idea is similar to this where I think clans should be able to buy a new status like "Merchant" for some ~2kk and clan members can chip in their share as stocks via automated system. The clan services which can be weapon lending, repairing etc can be availed by anyone and the profits should go to shareholders with some % tax to Empire. All automated like depos.
clan members can chip in their share as stocks via automated system. where restriction is max 15% purchase by an individual to avoid exploitation by rich members.
Just MC's because everyone can keep track of MC incomes and thus track which MC is doing well etc.

The clans stock price should be like 1% of their income of that week and people can buy these stocks and hope the clan they betted on does well the following weeks etc. This isnt exactly owing a % share of a clan but more like investing on the "Income" of the clan
Would there be stock manipulation?

Like, rich players will become more insanely rich, while poor victims will all of a sudden lose all their capital...

This would mimic real life to a point where money gap between players would become worse and worse, and diamond might eventually lose its value. Idk though.
^I think thats not really possible. Can u explain why you think so?

The basic thing I want to say is:-
Lets say clan#468 earnt 750k from 15th june to 21st june. Therefor for the next whole week their stock value becomes 1% of this = 7.5k per stock. Lets say I bought 10 such stocks by spending 75k. Next week their total income is 770k so each stock becomes 7.7k and I gain a total of 2000 gold from my stocks if i sell them when its value is 7.7k
Well just after looking at the title I thought, "Well why not include politics too?"

Mates don't just think about ideas to earn gold :P And remember that this is a game, let the adults enjoy and take a break from their real life ;)
It's a novel idea, I'll give you that.. But I doubt it would ever be implemented.

Anyways it's a good idea and I pretty much like it but on the other hand, it would be too messy and albeit the fact it looks easy in post 6, the simple fact is a player is not going to just invest in 1 stock market are they?

Would there be stock manipulation?
I think thats not really possible. Can u explain why you think so?
Possibility of insider trading? Perhaps a non-MC player knows a MC plans on doing something to increase its income (maybe through a 3rd party friend) and takes this opportunity to buy some stocks, and you can see how it could be misappropriated.

But still I genuinely like this idea seeing LWM already has demand/supply principles which dictates the economy and other "real life" concepts so why not this?
Its an brilliant idea, but also i have to say, there are some types of clans. The volatility of income by every types is different and they will speculate. The lowest volatility of income is by the strongest clans, so these stocks will be not so "atractive". Smart players find some weak clans with low income and they will join them to increase their income and than boom. The stocks will raise from 10 to 100 000 they sold them and than join another weak MC buy their stocks increase their value and so on in a circle. And another look when your buying stocks, you buying some part of these company and these stocks reflecting the market value of the company. So these stocks are covered with the company value. When there wont be demand on them they will ruin. And how will ruin MC ? BTW i think there could be also shares but it has to be thoughtfully. And what about for start only with futures, options and forwards ? They are really good for beginning. But for that we need also new thinks. The value of commodities should fluctuat depending on demand on them and also the value of items. The value of item fluctuat when there is some event( we can see it on rings when they costs 2x), but its not enough. I have an idea. What about separate players in 2. Ordinary players and business mens players. 1st business mens: everyone who want to start will have to invest into his company ( it cant be high price( because there would be only monopols with rich peoples) but also low price (because than everybody would become a bussines man)). These players cant enroll, but only these players can place items on market . They will be have them capital ( a little bit lower than their invest) and they will be making items. But not themselves they will have "emploeys"= ordinary plyers. With enrolling they will be making these items. I tell you an example. You have a company which is making shields. But not the same shields as everyone they can them design from look to durability and specials. But it will be regulated( example you can do only from 50-70 durability or only 10% lesser dmg from something and so on). For that shield you will need for example 20hours work and also commodities ( you will receive from Empire themselves or there will be companies, which can them produce, but the owner will not have from it high profit or theyr profit will depend on market price. So when you have 20employes you will make this shield in 1hour. 1 employee become 400 gold ( depend on LG) so its 8000 the cost of shield + sourcies you need, so lets say it all costs 10000. The profit margin will be fix for these companies with this types of shields 20% so the final price will be 12000 and also the market price( the price can be lower when he cant sell it, but not higher !). Ordinary players have theyr income and the profit of business mens depend on demand. But for that we have to close artifact shop and novel the market. The players can make a contract with Futures, options and forwards about the future value, amount and date. There can be also companies which will be specialistic on market= they can buy underestimated items and sell it for higher price ( these companies wont have regulated profit margin, they will be regulated only with market themselves). For begining he cant have employee but later he can do "multilevel marketing" and have employee, which he teach and he will have some profit from them( regulated %) but also they will have profit(regulated %). These companies will be special because they can buy things from players too( there will be not option for buy something from someone else by sending it and he send you money, only market, so when you want sell elements or rare items or hunter sets, you can sell it only into these companies , but the price of these items will be fix on market and the chef can deal with these players on price). And of course as in RL there will be contracts between the emplyees and the chef ( but
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Well there is a stock market in rl and not many people can manipulate it so...
Thats right, but just because they cant. Value of stocks depend on many factors, but mostly from demand on their products. By MC stocks wouldnt be demand or there cant be demand because they havent any product to sell. Their value would depend only from their income or cash-flow. This way its easy to manipulate them,i think.But its only my opinion :)
Fredy can you reformat #10? :/
It is painful to read. Split it in paras :)
Anythanks for your opinions guys, the I & S forum ideas may never get implemented but its fun to discuss them and I am gratefull to all your views.
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