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AuthorDifferent artifacts, requesting for a average selling prices on market
sorry for changing the thread.

No well if you don't want to wait so long, then simply buy it from the market yourself. You'll only lose the 1% commission, that is 145 gold.

ahh cool

did not struck that in mind.

so guys , one last high opinion on both the artifacts.

leader's shield


forest charm


Sword of courage



odsidian sword


Ancient compass

hmmm i think leader shield should be around 10k :D though try 9k if u r in a hurry.
i honestly dont know about the enchants cuz i dont know how much u spent on them, but i doubt u can sell them for much, just try a little over the market price. for compass and charm i guess just put on an auction for three days and see what happens :) u should get a fair price :)
also u can auction all of them, im sure it will be sold for a price that should be ok :)
Price for such artifacts keeps changing from time to time.. it depends on demand.
There is no fixed 'Average Price'. You can check yourself price of artifacts from market where other people are selling them , from there you can estimate its cost.
If you are in hurry just put in little less price or put in 3 days auction.
^ In above post i was referring to those non-shop arts.
And about those enchanted one , it is highly unlikely that anyone will buy that. Enchants are less or to say useless.
People generally prefers enchants on high durability arts.

So its pretty obvious you are not gonna get even 50% of gold which you spent on enchanting those swords.
closed by Awesome1993 (2015-06-18 09:29:35)
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