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AuthorHow to attract more players to join Lords of War and Money?
Well, players from lords is too little.
I think we should make an advertisement on youtube or sth else to let others know the game.
should do some voting , my brother plays some runescape private servers and they good stuff for voting, + they get more players
There has been a reduce in players lately too... From 10k + online at all times to max 7-8k during main times and like 5-6k in morning times.
i think lordswm should introduce more guilds including a slightly different battle style in order to make the game more fun, interesting and complex and versatile.

An advertisement would also be a good idea!
i think lords shouldn't do jack squat. which is exactly what it is doing now.

Well, players from lords is too little.
Enough money for admins.
and the crowd is pretty dedicated.
so, admins are not worried.
There was an ad campaign for LWM server long time ago (around 2008-2010?)

Well, ads obviously costs some money, and maybe admins think it wasn't worth it anymore to run it for now

If there's an ad, it would probably be russian ads since the audience for this game is mainly russian (maybe there's already a russian ad out there?)
to tell the truth, i'm very dissapointed in merging servers. we had our own world. we were seperated from .ru and were happy. we had our own events, the most sad thing is that we had better prices on artifacts and etc.
for sareth:
yes there's already a russian ad out there. i'm in touch with one russian guy.
if only they could seperate them....
I agree. I am Level 7 and in this level I rarely get to see any english speakers. All these russians do is chat themselves, and often in Everyone for oneself they team up against me.

Yes to finding a way to increase the number of players.
YES, YES to separating the servers so that everyone is happy. Though if a separation were to happen advertising also would be necessary so that the numbers would not drop to a few hundreds.

I think that a) promoting the game and b) separating the servers are 2 necessary things, and people have trouble because these two are not happening
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