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AuthorDifferent factions for me to try
Okay so I am about to level up to 12 Combat Level.
I have few questions if you all could help me with your suggestions.

Should I stay in dark elf and keep on upgrading the faction?
or should I try out different factions?

If I try other faction, which one should I do first?
And upto which FSL till I should again shift to other faction?(I am thinking for now each level 1 on average and increasing them gradually)?

And I am low on gold so which upgrades on castle should I make on the changed faction?
switching any faction isnt an issue.

earn enough gold before switch. thats the only advice i can give.
I can't
I barely 12 LG a day (getting 18 LG Points)
Also I play a lot
and i don't like doing 10 LG with one battle
that's boring


whether I Shift or not

I am going to do only HG, MG and RG(i know it does not help much).

And LG
and Tavern

That's it
I am going to do only HG, MG and RG
Then no need to change, but if you really want to change, change to elf (classic)
changing into new faction is always costly in high lvl, so if you have enough gold do it or else ... :P you board ..do it and become bankrupt and finally ask for BOW :P
for Poison Ivy:


i am bored of playing slowly
i like to go on a good pace
10LG for one battle is boring.

for Wonderla:

and i was thinking on changing to elf

let's see

anyways i am playing slow right now,
levelling up to 12CL took a lot of time for me
I don't think you should switch. You probably don't even have enough gold to build all the constructions for 1 faction.

Even if you have barely enough for some reason I don't think it's worth being bankrupt and getting stuck not being able to buy arts for combat, participate in CG, or participate in events.

I don't think you have to do 10 enrolls for every 1 combat, but think you should do 2 enrolls for every 1 combat if you want gold to do anything else rather than basic fights.

Really really consider saving up for TG rather than RG, it's much slower leveling RG and has a continual increase in cost while TG will eventually pay for itself.
It all depends on your long term plans. Do you have any?
long term plans.

I thought about leveling de to 12 FSL first
then go for other

till that I will get enough gold.

but I want more resistance against other factions

so I Wana try
Do not change faction.

For resistance,
Take only opportunity such as Old Portal event, Free fsp from box or gift, etc..

1)even if you build minimal castle (still cost 50k or more), Hunt are difficult for your HG.
2)MG go the same way
3)Nothing close to RG with such minimal castle.
Afterall, Your choice. I just prefer don't change.
Assuming lordswm.org building cost values still stand correct...

For a lvl 12 elf (Skipping all magic guild, inventory, market, blacksmith, and sprites upgrade..):

Wood: 151
Ore: 83
Mercury: 10
Sulfur: 41
Crystal: 50
Gems: 112
Gold: 319,800

Total Cost: 438,600

Building everything will approximate to 600,000 gold total.

If you want to cut even more costs you can still build everything previously mentioned except you won't have any upgraded units except the forest keeper upgrade.

Wood: 81
Ore: 63
Mercury: 10
Sulfur: 11
Crystal: 40
Gems: 662
Gold: 209,800

Total Cost: 280,000

This set will have no:
Market place
Any magic guilds
Inventory upgrades
Faeries upgrade
Elven Bowmen upgrade
Clerics upgrade

You can consider doing that, but you will be weaker than everyone else and have no gold left for arts, events, and etc.
Go Tribal or Dwarf.

Completely different game play, your motive of enjoying the game will be fulfilled.

Don't go Elf or Demon. Not that interesting.

If you want me to explain better why, I can in PM.
I think another option you can try is to create an alt character. On your alt character you can play other factions and play fast. That way you can play slowly on your main to build up gold for a while until you have enough for what you want to do.
nah no alt.

that's a time waste.
I just want one single character develop.
Why would you want to build resist if you don't plan to do PvP?

If you just want to build resist, you don't need upgrades; just buildings for new tiers and typically if you don't even need all tiers to hunt,...

Then it's not too hard to get enough fsp from easy hunts though depending on how much is your HG/MG, it might take a while (many passes) before you get a good share of fsp.
Btw, for different gameplay, knight or necro will definately feel different. DE is damage dealer; in the same vein of elf. Necro/knight is pretty much the contrary with overall low ini but more resilient.
If you run through levels like you have done until now, you won't have enough gold to build factions when you have DE 12 (at around combat level 15/16?).

Now (if not earlier) would be the moment to take a break and think, what kind of character you want to have at high levels (like 16+).

You still have enough easy MG and hunts to win without full castle, this will change the higher you get.
Oh, and do the math, how many fsp you need for every faction raising to fl 5 and how much difference it will make, if you don't have this fsp on your main faction at fl 11. It doesn't make any..
thanks everyone

will see how it bests suits me and it.
closed by Awesome1993 (2015-05-12 04:01:28)
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