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AuthorDota 2
Any players here :)
LoL > Dota2
Just asking :)
Yes, pm me your id if you're active and good at dota 2 ;)
LoL > Dota2
This is exactly what players that never played dota 2 say after they only played LoL ;) even the best LoL players, my friends, quit LoL after they actually tried Dota 2.. just saying :)
Just asking :)
just saying :)

Just telling :)
for FistOfWar:
What is your Dota level ?
If you look around you might find some Dota players :)
LoL > Dota2
Biggest joke ever heard/saw.
for Vengeful Spirit:
If you look around you might find some Dota players :)

Thats what I look for :)
By the way your name tells you are :D
Yeah I kind of cant guess about LoL but Dota is good :)
Never played Dota or LoL B| LWM for years
for _uNboRn_:

Dota2 << LoL

Makes you happy now? :p

Add me.
for Gaara:
Will Add you soon
Btw Saying now - There too name is same :)
6.84 ^^
servers down or is it just me facing problems?
I am a long term lol player. I tried playing dota 2 times already and both times it jsut didnt work out for me. Couriers are stupid, sniper range is too massive, The ranger girl ult is retarded (insane atk speed against one target). That game has no balance at all. Too much random heroes and stuff. I used to think dota23 = lol but lol>dota2
I am a long term lol player. I tried playing dota 2 times already and both times it jsut didnt work out for me. Couriers are stupid, sniper range is too massive, The ranger girl ult is retarded (insane atk speed against one target). That game has no balance at all. Too much random heroes and stuff. I used to think dota23 = lol but lol>dota2

I play dota and lol, but i like dota way more. League is cool but its gameplay doesn't compare with dota2 whatsoever, at least for me. I wont argue which game is more balanced but i find dota pretty balanced.
Also about sniper - he is a very squishy carry at all stages, he only works from a long distance so you have to find a way to target him and then watch him run:P Unless he is too fed/farmed because you ignored him in the early and mid game, he is usually an easy kill for most heroes provided you decide to kill him.

Windranger is pretty strong, i feel that too and her escape is amazing as it gives 100% physical evasion for 4-5 seconds. I think her shackle and ultimate is a sure kill combo in most cases. Then if you manage to survive somehow she can always use her long range skillshot to nuke you down for 300 something damage. But silence wrecks her. Buy an orchid if compatible with your hero or some stun and she becomes helpless.
The ranger girl ult is retarded (insane atk speed against one target).
just nuke her. low hp =)
"Just nuke her" works for most carries :)
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