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AuthorRussian interpreter
Does anybody speak russian fluently? I've some things that I want to post on their forums.
This thread is more likely suited for Off-game forum.
Topic moved from "Queries and help" to "Off-game forum".
Since it involve help and is about this game.
Anyways, I still need a kind soul.
Guess I'll enjoy my forgotten thread. It's all mine, after all.
Maybe you should note for how much text you need the translations, could bring more will if the text is not too much :P
As Hallion91 says,
what is the amount of text?

if its like few sentences, ye.. cud translate it...
if its half book, then no way :D
I can translate if you still need it.
Just a few ideas from I&S thread, and a few items that I want to post on russian leasing forum.

I believe everything will go under 100 lines.
Just post it in english I&S. That's why we have an english forum.
Yeah... And that's why I need a russian translator.
Pink Pony (google translater, russian names forbidden) Already helped me, thanks everyone interested. :)
closed by Angel of Death (2015-04-23 00:22:22)
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