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Author[FAQ] Portal of Time - All questions in one topic + FAQ
Please ask all questions relating to the Sentinals of the Past event in this topic. Any similar topics will be closed.

Important! Please read through the FAQ in the first two posts to see whether your question has already been answered, before you ask a question.


Q: How do I join an event combat?
A: https://www.lordswm.com/tj_event2.php - You will need to set up your character first: https://www.lordswm.com/tj_set.php

Q: What ammunition do I need?
A: Shop artifacts only. Enchantments have no effect. Tavern Drink does not allow you to create or enter battles and has no effect.

Q: What is wrong with my "Favoured enemy", "Necromancy", "Gating" etc.?
A: All faction skills and unique racial abilities are disabled in event combats.

Q: How many battles will I get.
A: The event will run for 8 days (Until April 10th inclusive). You are limited to 7 daily attempts. Any attempts unused will transfer to the next day. Total battle count will be 56 battles.

Q: What are these crystals of time?
A: They are currency for this event. They are used to recruit more troops, to unlock creature upgrades and magic guild levels, and to enhance creature stats.

Q: How should I spend my crystals?
A: In the beginning you don't have too many, better spend them to recruit creatures (and unlock a few creature tiers.

Q: I want to change the use of my crystals. Can I do that?
A: Yes. Reset your crystals, you will not lose any.

Q: Can I gain more crystals of time?
A: Of course! The number of crystals you will receive depends on the level you play. The higher the level, the greater number of crystals you will receive for winning. If you lose you will still receive a small number of crystals.

Q: What faction do I gain skill points for?
A: For your current faction.

Q: What is "Recruit count" parameter?
A: Recruit count increases the number of creatures in battle. It is only effective if the percentage allows increasing the creature count by at least 1, no "non-full HP" creatures will be added on top of the stack.

Q: What do I get for winning a battle?
A: When you win you will receive gold. You also have a small chance of receiving an element or an artifact of reduced durability. There is a chance you could receive a creature armament.

Q: I won a battle and I received an armament for a creature. What are these armaments?

A: Armaments are bonuses that are applied to individual creatures. Winning a battle gives you a chance of earning an armament. You may see what armaments you have from your castle; https://www.lordswm.com/arts_for_monsters.php
Part 2:

Q: What enemies will I face?
A: You will face creatures of factions from the past: These are Amphibians, Recalcitrant Tribes, Templars of The Sun, Infernals and Necropolis.
You may find more information about these factions here; http://angelsndemons.freeforums.org/post2484.html#p2484

Q: What does hall of unity do?
A: If creatures of different factions are recruited, their morale will decrease. The 'Hall of Unity' allows you to prevent the morale decrease when you recruit creatures of more than one faction.

Q: How many times can I win at a certain difficulty level?
A: You may only win at any difficulty level 3 times maximum throughout the event.


Q: Can I fight with a completely empty castle at a new faction, to gain some easy faction resistance?
A: Yep, much advised to. You do not need to build a castle, so it is an excellent opportunity for those who want to grow some faction resistance.

Q: Do damage and defense parameters increase my character's direct damage?
A: They do.

Q: I have unlocked a magic school, but my characte has no knowledge. Will I get any mana to be able to cast spells?
A: You will not. You need to increase your knowledge by equipping artifacts.
Players who died but team wins combat can recive armaments ?
for -Cip-:
Yes there is a chance they can receive an armament in that case.
What will the event artifact's durability be based on?
If that's my aim, should i push now?
Specters of Past
creature of new faction in them
Ability = Wail of Netherworld
Russian Description !
for The One Ring:
The strength of the event artifact depends on the number of Crystals gained. The higher number of crystals = the higher durability artifact.
for The One Ring:
It will be based on total amount of Crystal collected.The higher your level the more crystal you can loot.
Also Skeletal Spearman have Webbing Spears what that mean too
for Legend Forever:

Jedi and I are working to update the A&D reference page (up in the FAQ) with the Necropolis creatures. (It will be updated within 24 hours).

Until we have finished, here are a couple of key details:

Wail of the Netherworld (ability) -
Heals target undead stack for 3 hp. All adjacent (to target undead stack) living creatures lose 3 hp each which are transferred to target stack.

https://www.lordswm.com/forum_messages.php?tid=2320046&page=1#38056767 - You can see a fuller explanation and example of the ability and how it works there.

Also the talents for Necropolis:

Face of Death: Whenever an enemy unit dies, all surviving enemy troops behold a vision of his own death and get -3 Atk, -3 Def; -1 Morale and -1 luck. Duration is one turn.

Death Energy: The hero receives 3 mana for each stack destroyed in combat (enemy or ally).
Thanks murali and corey :)

7/7 today.
brethren are really good :D
top of the leaderboard right now.
Also Skeletal Spearman have Webbing Spears what that mean too

I am not entirely certain, but here is the best explanation I can give: It reduces the target's speed by 1. It also reduces the speed of enemy troops adjacent to the target by 2 if their total health is not less than the target creature.
What is portal of Event?

And what do we gain by participating in it?

Can anyone share a battle please.
ok so we cannot have any battle review okay fine.

But can you guys please tell me what do we gain after winning a battle.
You will get some gold (around 80-120) and there are some chances of getting armaments, elements, arts, etc. At the end, you will get an event artefact ( probably a sword ) if you satisfy the min. rquirements for that art.

And the best thing you get is Crystals, they will help you to increase your army in this event:)
okay :)
Awesome, that's probabbly the easier and cheapest way to level up, some faction resistance.
why does it so long to start one combat?
Yes it truly is, w/o castle you can get a lot of fsp:)
for Awesome1993:
10 minutes is not much:), join at xx:x8 if you want the fight to start in 2 minutes:)
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