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AuthorCreating AP Limited Challenges
In Group Battles -
There should be a option of AP ranged min and max in which players can join

Problem -
Even when written Min AP players do not read it !
3.C. Any request in challenge descriptions is just a request, not obligation.

If there is such a rule then, I don't think admins will want to work on this idea.

Yet +1
Actually , Min ap fights must be made compulsary if the description is given so.

If the Empire or the Team cannot Implement this , It is surely their fault.


This game is played for fun they said.
In old LWM it was really rare when players don't respect description. Russians never respect the rules and you need to adapt or play CG

2. Introduce options for arts/no arts combat types. Technical impossibility to join the "wrong" combat type.
closed by ElfPride (2015-03-29 17:35:04)
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2008-2025, online games LordsWM