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AuthorHow to trade/earn using 'machining'
What is the purpose of raw materials sold at machinery like Magic powder, steel etc.
What does the table, 'required for production' indicate. If i have the raw materials required like 2 sulphur and 2 mercury for magic factory, how do i use it?

And where to sell these resources like steel?
Q.2.10: I have purchased (mithril, steel, nickel, leather, magic powder, mithril ore, obsidian, orichalcum), but where can I see it?

A: These resources are intermediary materials for machining and production and can be viewed at the character page. These resources cannot be traded to other players, but they may be sold to facilities.

Let me break this down. There are three facility types; mining, machining and production facilities. Think of it like a production chain.

Mining facilities produce raw goods - Such as wood, ore, sulfur - That are necessary for the production of machining goods.

Machining goods are an inbetween good. They use the mining inputs to create products used in the production of arts. In order to produce machining materials, some mining goods are 'required for production'. You can only sell the raw material (e.g the sulphur and mercury) to a machining factory if they require them.

Finally, production goods (i.e, artifacts) are the final good in the chain. They require a combination of machining and mining goods to be produced. You cannot sell machining goods to other players, but you can sell them to production facilities. It works in the same way as machining goods, you can only sell the input to the facility if they require it.

Because it is so competitive and people sell the inputs fairly quickly, you may find that making a significant amount of gold from buying and selling these resources is difficult and not worth your time.
Thanks for the explanation.

I don't see an option in a production facility to sell these resources. The 'Dragonlords Legacy blacksmith' in Portal ruins where dragon shield is produced requires wood, crystals and steel, all of which I have. I see a column for 'purchase' but none for 'sell'
for Lord evil_devil:
Purchase means sell - It is the facility wanting to purchase your goods (you sell them). The facility only buys them when it needs them. Which means you cannot just go in there and sell your resources whenever you feel like it.
Got it. Thanks a lot.
closed by Lord evil_devil (2015-03-17 09:56:20)
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