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Authorone additional parameter in saved layouts
The recent (not so recent) addition of some saved layouts have been very helpful. A further improvement is to include a position parameter to the saved layouts.

For example, when co-hunting at the current setup, the layout saved for being the top hunter (host-hunter) is not always good for being the bottom hunter (guest-hunter). It would be very helpful if we can have an additional position parameter so that the layouts are saved separately for the top and bottom positions.
Well, actually, if you have it saved for both cases, you just need to click the auto-setup button twice so you get the second setup, not the first. I think it remembers up to 5 setups or a few more.
I think it saves 3
I don't want to complain, this is a nice feature above all.
But if we could click, name which kind of settlement it's and manualy select it, would be very helpful. Because, in CG battles the player could use 1-3 different set ups, depending of enemy type and your ally. In Hunt and MG n number of possibilities, mainly if we put in consideration vanguards to protect the client, and as OP stated as a hunt assistence the set up may vary as well.
Also we have TG or RG battles for attacking of defending.

Would be nice if I could make a set up for TG when I'm attacking. "Necrommancer darkness build" and another for "Unholy necromancer." And when I'm defending I could save a different set up for each faction as well.

So, if we could name our builds and select them, also add a extra memory space for loadouts, would be amazing.

+1 for improving futher more.
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